#hive-127238Unmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutslitguru in #hive-127238 • 2 days agoDelicious Guanabana SnowconeShaved ice and guanabana are a marriage made in heaven. We don't get guanabanas very often up north, so when I travel to the equator (😉), I like to indulge.  / Pasta and tomato-meat sauceclassic dish by @terka. Ate it so fast that I cannot really give a lot reflectiom about it :) was good anyway. Popisowe danie domowej kuchni (nie mojego agwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 6 months agoPlacki ziemniaczane z sosem grzybowo-warzywnymJak mawiał wieszcz Johnny Bravo "Lubię placki." Intensywność przypraw i lekki niedosyt co do ilości smażuchów, moim wkladem było głównie obieranie bulw i tagwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 5 months agoOblaty sl. Wyprodukowane w Pszczynie. Za chwilę degustacja. Były jeszcze jakieś dwa lub trzy inne smaki (kakaowe pamiętam były) ... ciekawe jakim cudem docieragwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 3 months agoŚniady-aniowy omlet [pl/en] Breakfest creation. Rzadko gotuję coś bardziej skomplikowanego, Nie planowałem zdjęcia tego dzieła, oliwek mało bo chciałem zużyć końcówkę. Jeden omlet na troje to symboligwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 9 months agoAgainst lord of ( f)lies with help of Good Lord Jesus !Photo From lunch bar close to our hostel. We ate there second time but first time we only took chapati - take away). Today it was very problematic for me :gwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 7 months agoAfternoon in the kitchen [en] / popołudnie w kuchni plFew hours after noon there was really strong wind and rain in area. Cooking a lot later afternoon. Dłubię w jabłkach na szarlotkę (?)mizerne jabłuszka nigwyddpel in #hive-127238 • 2 months agoBrukselka i kulki mięsno-proteinie (lidl)Niedziela więc tak jakby gotowałem obiad (kulki proteinowe z przeceny z Lidla w Nysie, brukselka z rynku miasteczka najwyższa pora na nią była. Nie znoszismaelrd04 in #hive-127238 • 4 months agoCorazón de gallina En Venezuela, nunca me imaginaba comiendo corazón de gallina, simplemente no me lo imaginaba. Ahora bien, parte de la gastronomía gaucha es esta. Es patagmout in #hive-127238 • 21 days agoA yummy tartletsFirst day of fasting, a few tarts for the coffee, delicious. I didn’t make them, I bought them to please the kids. They decided to fast this year, for the whole month. That’s it, they say they’rtagmout in #hive-127238 • 24 days agoYummy pieStrawberry tart quickly prepared by my friend for us to have coffee together. I stopped by to see her, and she insisted that we have coffee together. Delicious, although this time, she missed atagmout in #hive-127238 • 12 days agoTo pleaseHere’s what’s in my fridge: a chocolate cake and vanilla-chocolate flans. What wouldn’t we do to make the kids happy? I spoil them, especially since they fast all day.litguru in #hive-127238 • last yearHot and SpicyYou never know what kind of randomness you're going to capture during a street photography session. I saw this food cart on the sidewalk and liked how quaint it looked. This is…germansailor in #hive-127238 • last monthFür den kleinen HungerWenn man(n) am Nachmittag in Marbella einen Einkaufsbummel unternimmt, dann kann es schon mal passieren, dass einen ein kleines Hüngerchen überkommt… ![BurgerMarbella.jpg](suratkhan786 in #hive-127238 • last monthA Plate Of Salad Is A Guarantee Of Your Health.I hope you are all well, I am also fine. The picture I am sharing with you today is a mixed vegetable salad which is very useful in eating, yes and it is all fiber. It contains cucumber slices which hlitguru in #hive-127238 • 11 days agoThe Best Mondongo in the World- An Honest Food ReviewI've had mondongo soup before, and though it's an acquired taste, I liked it. The vegetables and herbs combined with the fibrous stomach lining of the animal harvested for this…