Sunday afternoon... tremendous laziness took over this user who is now writing the lines you just started reading. But is this justified? 😱
Not that I need any justification but yes, this morning I woke up at 6:45 like every Sunday, I got ready to go to the place where I play on Sunday mornings, I drove back, took some pills for my headache, slept... I had lunch, took a walk, talked to my husband about some interesting topics while we were strolling around, and talked to my son on the phone... I will call my parents... and yes, I have the right to be a little lazy haha. 😂
I had that same Sunday feeling on the first of January - although it wasn't Sunday, I had that feeling. I checked in the photo gallery what I was doing that day, which was actually Wednesday; well, we were travelling to Malaga.
I filmed a video (two actually) from the car, with some grey clouds that ate up the mountains and the entire horizon. Road, music, chat, clouds... the heating in the car was turned up to max because it was quite cold outside. All in all, I thought it was beautiful. The landscape also changed and the blue of the sky began to open up little by little.

The video I mentioned... I can delete it right now because the road was very bumpy and it is ridiculous how bad the recording turned out. Before I watched it I thought I could share it in a community where I have been wanting to post something for a while now. It is called World Roads, a place where we can share the video footage of roads that we record while travelling. Well, there will be another opportunity, I am sure. The day we were coming back from Malaga I made another one and I think it will be ok (I think, until I watch it). 😂

Here, the sky was already so sunny. What a difference! :))

Andalusia was shining with its sun and promised good weather for the next day. A little after the city of Baza and before Granada we stopped for a coffee and a short break. The place seemed to be a smaller hotel, one of those next to the highways. We just wanted a cup of coffee and I didn't imagine finding any surprise there.

However, there were surprises!!
To be honest, I don't know what the thing in the middle is. 😅

If we could travel back in time, we could listen to music on this gramophone while strolling through the hall and seeing the decorations.

Maybe my map was wrong and we ended up in Paris. 😆

More surprises - giraffes in Andalusia?

Funny musicians playing on fake instruments. Well, it is not exactly the special surprise you were expecting, is it?

Hold on! Here it comes! A pianooooooooo! 😲

Not a fake instrument but a poor one, an old, super old Viennese piano. It was in very bad shape, poor piano... 😥

When I was little I had a similar Viennese piano. My mother and aunt got it when they were little and it was already old. It was brown, but the legs and pedals were the same shape as the piano I found here. It was in better condition than this one, but it was still impossible to tune, so my parents bought me an upright piano later after I had been playing for a few years.
When I moved, the piano was still in my parents' house but in the and, they gave it to someone as it occupied a lot of space. I always get a little nostalgic when I remember that piano.

Anyway, we finished our coffee, I said goodbye to the piano and asked the waitress how this old instrument got there... It seems that the owner likes to collect old instruments (there were many trumpets and other wind instruments above the bar, but I felt awkward taking pictures of them while the waitress was there). I regret a bit not being nonchalant haha, as it would be a cool collection of instruments.
We continued our trip and now I don't know in which community to publish this post. 😂