Greetings my friends and all lovers of physical activities all over the world. This is my Actifit Report for monday the 03/03/2025. Happy Monday everyone. This is the first Monday of the month of March 2025. It is also the beginning of a new working week for me.
I reported to work well on time having rested very well over the weekend. Thankfully, there were no leftover jobs from last week activities.
First, I went to the lands department and arranged for the officials to visit a land of my client for development. We applied for fencing permit and luckily for me it was approved. Same with the building plan.
Later in the day, I attended a masquerade day celebration of the village of a colleague.
The masquerade appeared and people were cheering it. Some were also spraying cash on it.
Thereafter, I came back to rest. Once at home, I completed some few online tasks before I then retired for the day.
That's it for now. Thanks for reading up to this point. Until next time, I say, keep exercising.
All images used here are original and mine too.
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