I Used To Say Store Food, Now I Will Be Saying Grow Food

in LeoFinancelast year


One of the common phrases i used to use was:
Buy Food! It will pay the highest ROI this years.
And unlike gold, you CAN eat i t.

Today, i am seeing what is coming with all the food processing plants burning down, and the mother WEFers building bug growing/processing plants in strange places, that bad things are coming.

Almost everything in grocery stores is poisoned. Soon, it will be even more poisoned, to where you can't avoid it.

You really need to start making plans to grow your own food. The world where you work in a specific field and pay farmers to grow your food is coming to an end.

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Are things really that bad?

The factory farming operations are sick. So sick, that you are not allowed to take pictures inside any of their buildings. (by law) and this was 20 years ago.

Today, it has gotten worse. So many bad substances have shown up in food. Such as heavy metals in candy bars. Asbestos in baby powder.

They put horrible things into foods, on purpose, in the ingredients list. TSP Tri-Sodium-Phosphate (a cleaner) in children's cereal. Rat poison in bottles of water (sodium fluoride). Pesticides of all sorts

And then there is all the things that are not good for you to eat, that are considered foods. Like HFCS. Cheese Food Stuffs. Seed oils. BUGS

Yes, bugs are already allowed in your foods. It is given as a maximum percentage, but it doesn't say anything about adding extra, as long as it doesn't exceed the amount. And soon, bug meal will be in your breads and frozen chicken tenders.

You will be eating ze bugs if you shop at a grocery store.

But, i really suggest you find better sources for your food because the nutritional content of grocery store food is really, really low. So low, that when a person leaves that, and starts eating garden grown veggies, they will become unwell because there body is not used to deal with so much nutrition.

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Do you have to give up your city life?

The answer is pretty much yes.

I used to think that it was a good idea to get away from the big cities. Getting out where life is slower, and you don't ever have to drive in rush hour traffic.

Now i am looking at cities as pressure cookers that evil people have plans for. Those mostly fiery, yet peaceful protests where paid for. The homelessness is planned, and people are making money off of it. Stores are locking up everything in these cities; soon the stores will just leave. (many already are) Crime is on the rise. Layoffs are on the rise.

Imagine all neo-liberal cities looking like Chicago. Slums everywhere. Crime everywhere. Shootings every day. Burnt out stores. Bars on every window. It will get very bad in these big cities. And it will spill out into the suburbs.

Staying in the city will be very, very bad.
And so i say yes, you really need to plan on leaving the cities.

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Prepping vs becoming a Homesteader

The big thing a few years ago was prepping. Having a years supply of freeze dried or canned food in your basement/garage. So you would be prepared when something happened.

This is a good thing. Cause things happen. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earth quakes, Joe Biden, protests, riots, power outages… So, yes you should be able to stay at home for a month, and fell perfectly well fed.

However, even if no disasters strike, we are losing our food supply. Imagine your grocery store has only 10% food, and the number is dropping. Soon, you will have to make a choice, eat ze bugs, or be at least a part time farmer.

There is no choice of remaining as you are now. The old life is going away. It is being slowly chipped away so as not to cause the sheep to panic. But it is happening. You can see it if you are honest.

And so, you do not just need a few months of food, you need to continually produce food. You are going to need a garden, fruit trees and live stock. You are going to need a homestead

I am telling you now so you can start planning on the homestead life.

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I do not know how much longer we have. I see the train wreck coming, and assume it will be next week. And here we are a year later, or years later. However, the train wreck is coming.

The sooner you can break away from the rat race the better off you will be in the future.

Most people say they can't break away from the 9-5 because they do not have enough money. It is interesting that everyone reading this will become more and more crypto-rich. That you would basically have enough money to live wherever you want for the rest of your life.

The only problem is that food will not be available in some places at any price. And crypto will not keep you safe an unburnt when the protesters are burning their way through your suburb.

Plan your exit. Let go of your old life. The old ways are falling apart. Holding onto them will get you terminated.

There is a better life for everyone, but it will not be the old ways.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Greenhouses will become a norm everywhere if you can afford them that is. I'm lucky being in southern California because my garden grows year round. My peppers and tomatoes are heavy producers, although not nearly as good in winter.

There are operations that produce cricket flour already as an alternative. I'll pass personally.

I'm preparing to move out of California in the very near future, the state is headed for absolute catastrophe right now. Which is a shame because it used to be so nice...
I've not decided where I'm headed yet, but over seas is looking more tempting.

California is indeed really nice.

However, they are not dying very fast.
The laws that have been passed to destroy all the businesses should have had the legislature overturned.
But nothing. The blue haired people think what we need is more liberalism

I wish they could be ignored, but they will probably be turning off electricity and water.

So, i would say to get out. I do not know what central valley is going to do.

Death by a thousand cuts... I'm in Orange County so it's a little better here but the state can't survive economically much longer. Businesses are pulling out, anybody with money and brain is leaving. Let in all the illegal immigrants as possible and give them free healthcare. And the list goes on... The whole west coast along the beachfront has the same attitude. The breaking point is coming!