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RE: You Will Eat Ze Bugz - Or You Will Grow Your Own Food

in Informationwar10 months ago

One of the interesting things the American govern-cement does, as things are falling apart, is that they give away land to those who need and would use the land.


Interesting... I ponder whether there would be water, and how an elderly, disabled lady could manage to survive... With bone spurs in My thumbs, even typing hurts. Heh.

I really do not know. I am of two minds here. The conclusion is set, but the inbetween, i really do not know.

The Covaids VAXXX was to kill off the elderly and infirm.
T.H.E.Y. will try another disease.

Things get out of hand, the migrants do something heinous, they get kicked out of the north. Run for the border or die.

Then govern-cement become impotent.

The other side is F'inists. They are saying, we would rather be with bears, than a strange man. So, men may leave society. And the people keeping the lights and water on are all "about to retire" aged men.

Many cities will just have to live without. But, it seems, with great acts of greatness by men, the lights and water are restored. (war seems to knock it out, or something)

In the future, everyone will have a thingy that makes electricity. Real solar, magnet motors, geothermal, wave.

And water will be transported through the air. Like clouds do today.

How this all comes together, i do not know.

I'm aiming for electrogravitics for the electricity - and transportation. But My question about the water had to do with homesteading or taking offered land. Will such land have water available?

I presume You have seen this?

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):