Living to Work or Working to Live: Finding the Balance

in Hive Learners4 days ago

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We are living in a compititive world and everyone is running to give better and get better. The jobs are so demanding that we all a working like anything to deliver as expected by the management and most of the time go beyond our limits which cause the physical and mental problems. The work burnout or job wornout is one such conditions, which is a stress condition only because by the work. The work burnout cause the physical and mental fatigue and also effect the personal emotionally. The main reason of burnout is the excess work load and work pressure and when person do not able to deliver on time or in effect way he felt that he is incapable or feel demotivated which future become the cause of depression. The person going though such conditions not only getting effected at work but his personal life also get effected in many ways. The behaviour change and short tempered nature are some common symptoms, this leads to the small and big fights at home. The excess work also means that the person use to stay back at office to complete the work and in this way he feel disconnected form family and not able to spend time with family.


In my professional life their was one time when I was so much involved in the work that I use to stay back at office to complete the tasks. I was also feeling like disconnected form my family as after coming back form office I always feel exhausted and after dinner immediately goto bed for sleep. I feel like restless and this is the time when my health also started showing the effect of work pressure. Most of the time I had headache and always feel discomfort even when I was sitting on chair or walking. I decided to consult the doctors and take the appointment and went to doctor clinic with my wife. After initial checkup the doctor examine my blood pressure, as expected the blood pressure was high compared to normal values. His immediately reaction was - do you want to live or not. I was also shocked that why is he asked such questions. I reply with yes I want to live. He further told me that if I want to live then I have make change in my daily routine and I have to get out of the excessive pressure or work load. He suggested to start walking and meditation. Form that day I decided to make some changes in my lifestyle and as instructed started the walking and yoga. I start managing the tasks at work and start leaving the office at time. It was not happened in one day but progressively I make this a habit. The walking and young was very effective and I recommend it to others also. Yoga I was performing was the kapalbhati and alom vilom assans mostly, which focuses more on the breathing. The good thing is that this does not took much time, just half an hour to 45 min a day were sufficient. I started walking in the morning as well as in the evening.


The one thing I learned form the experience is that their is no day when you will feel like that work has been completed and now you are free. The life and work are continuous processes. Till the last breath we have some pending work so keep this in mind always and do the work as per you capacity and set the priorities. Managing time and work is more crucial in such conditions and halps a lot to get out of also. We have to decide out limits and then stick to them is varry important. We are working for living, but in such work burnout condition we are living for working which is not right. Spending time with family not only is stress buster but also give us the motivation and improve our efficiency.


What are your views let me know in comment section.
Thanks for stopping by my post.

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Hive / #LEO : @guurry123
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No matter how much we work, we can't exhaust all the work we have, tomorrow is another day, it's best we do what we can and leave the rest for another.

One thing most of us fail to understand is work will remain, money will remain but our health won't if we don't take good care of it.

Well said.
That day will not come when we can say that I have completed all tasks. When we completed one task the another one is always waiting for us.
And this is the reality.

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