How We Spent Our CNY Eve

It was Chinese New Year Eve yesterday. It is the last day of the older lunar calendar so usually for the Chinese, we will have a celebration together.

Some people may have started oreparing for their reunion lunch or dinner while some may be getting their last preparations for CNY done. I did both hahah!

In the morning, I quickly whipped up some fried rice and then I went out to get some errands done. First thing was to ensure we have breakfast and food to cook for the children during this period of CNY as some shops may be closed. So I went to the butchery and also a supermarket to get some food. Then next up the list was to look for a car wash to have the car washed and cleaned to welcome the new year. It was difficult to find a car wash though because the one I frequent was closed and the others were having long queues so I drove even further to look for one.

On my way, I saw some stalls by the roadside selling fireworks, fire crackers and sparkle sticks. Now it is legal to play all these in Malaysia so it really hype up the CNY or any festival vibe when it comes to festive season. I wanted to get some sparkle sticks for the children and some pop pops which the milder kind of play.

This shop sells a huge variety of these things. But me being not too adventurous just stick with what I deem least dangerous.

Got about 50 sparkle sticks for RM18 and 6 pop pops for RM10! I think it was a good deal!

The next most important thing was yes the car wash! I finally found one and paid RM25 for wash and vacuum. My car is finally clean!

Fast forward to the night, I attended a reunion dinner at my husband's eldest aunt house with his relatives and extended family. Each family brought a dish cooked by ourselves. I cooked some vegerables with mini abalones which I will share about the next time on how I did it for the first time.

Here are the scrumptious spread of our dinner last night and man everything were delicious!

My sis-in-law's super delicious steamed fish that I loved so much.

Our aunt did 3 dishes which are pork back with arrowroot that was so tender and kept tempting me to eat more.

Chicken with mushrooms and red dates braised really well.

Very tasty cured Chinese sausages.

My mum-in-law cooked her signature fried turnip that has a lot of ingredients like dried cuttlefish in it and paired with rhe most appetizing chili belacan sauce with lime. I was very grateful for this dipping sauce.

This is the dish I made. Blanched broccoli and carrots and braised mushrooms with mini abalones.

It was a great time reuniting together though my husband had to leave early to go to work last night.

Upon returning home, my sons were hyper and excited so they wanted to continue to play. Though I was feeling tired, I went on to stick some articifial nails on my finger and toe nails that my youngest sister bought for me. I was so touched when she told me that even pregnant mama deserve to pamper herself and look beautiful. My baby sister who is 14 years younger pampered me so I must take opportunity to do up my nails. It was actually really easy to be done.

That's all for an eventful Chinese New Year Eve. I hereby wish all Chinese families who are celebrating the lunar new year a very prosperous and great Chinese New Year! Gong Hey Fatt Choy! 🍊🧧Blessings of abundance be with you and overtake you!


Happy Chinese New Year over there! 😊

I bet you, Chinese meals fascinate me a lot. Now you got me salivating.

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