RSVP - Please let us know if you are coming
Your presence matters to us. To make HiveBeeCon a memorable experience, we'd like to ensure everything's in place for you. If you're attending, please RSVP through one of the following methods:
- Fill out this Google Form
- Leave a comment below (but we understand if you'd rather keep it private, chose a different method)
- Drop us an email at:
- Write it either in the #HiveBeeCon channel on OpenHive.Chat or in the bridged with it Telegram Group
What We'd Like to Know (and Why):
1. Your Hive Identity:
Your Hive username or a nickname if you're yet to join Hive. If you're coming with friends or family who aren't responding on their own, please mention them too.
2. Your HiveBeeCon Status for 7 October 2023, Kraków:
- [x] Coming! I've already booked my trip and stay.
- [ ] Seriously considering; give me a few more days to figure it out.
- [ ] I will try to make it, but I can't promise yet.
- [ ] Would love to but sadly can't make it.
3. Availability for Group Activities:
Please let us know which days you're free for some collective fun:
- [ ] Wednesday (2023-10-04)
- [ ] Thursday (2023-10-05)
- [ ] Friday (2023-10-06)
- [x] Saturday (2023-10-07) (that’s THE DAY)
- [ ] Sunday (2023-10-08)
4. Visit to Wieliczka Salt Mine:
Are you up for a tourist tour (in English) of the Wieliczka Salt Mine? If yes, which day suits you best: Friday early afternoon, Saturday morning, or some other time?
5. Accommodation Assistance:
Need help finding a place to stay?
6. Presentation/Workshop Slot:
Want to share your expertise or insights? Let us know if you need a slot in the agenda.
7. Questions or Special Requests:
Anything else you'd like to inquire about or request?
Your input will enable us to tailor the event to better fit your needs. Looking forward to a buzzing HiveBeeCon with you! 🐝
Our vision for the event remains consistent with our prior communications:
a tiny, random, DIY, semi-spontaneous, p2p meetup for those who wish to spend time chatting, wandering aimlessly, and indulging in pierogi or pizza
Our plans remain flexible and fluid. Share your schedule, and we'll tweak ours to match.
See previous posts:
HiveBeeCon, 7 October 2023, Kraków, Poland
Gathering at The Kingdom: HiveBeeCon in Kraków
Wieliczka Salt Mine Excursion
When? You decide.
Where? Wieliczka Salt Mine
For those experiencing it for the first time or eager to revisit.
We can explore this historic site in smaller, intimate groups or as a large collective. The final decision depends on your responses. One potential visit time is Saturday morning. However, other times, like Friday early afternoon, might be available. If you can't join the main group, fret not; the Salt Mine is a straightforward solo visit.

DIY Workshops at The Kingdom
When? 2023-10-07, 14:00-18:00 (CEST / UTC+2)
Where? The Kingdom (Królestwo Bez Kresu)
Various DIY workshops will be hosted by @hallmann at @krolestwo.
Everyone is sure to find an activity to their liking.
(After all, who doesn't love chocolate?!)

Piano Concert with @mipiano
When? 2023-10-07, 19:00 (CEST / UTC+2)
Where? The Kingdom (Królestwo Bez Kresu)

Few words from @mipiano
I officially started my musical education at the age of eight, but the piano had already been my favourite toy since I was five. Although it might seem strange to call the piano a "toy", playing is what one does when taking sounds from this musical instrument. Where the music begins is not on the keys or in the strings, but in the mind. Or do some people call it the heart? Either way, this idea has been with me throughout my entire education. My parents believed in it too and made many sacrifices so I could study the one thing I truly wanted – to become a pianist. However, the term "pianist" sounds too official, so I prefer to describe it differently. I wanted the piano to be a fundamental part of my life, and so far, it has been. It has always been a part of me, whether I'm performing solo, collaborating with other musicians, or throughout the 20 years of teaching. It might sound like a long time, but it has gone by quickly, perhaps because I've never seen it as hard work.
The word "piano" has also become an inseparable part of my Hive existence, as @mipiano clearly indicates what I'm devoted to. Sharing joyous moments through piano music has always been my aim, and that includes at @HiveBeeCon. I also find joy in travelling, so combining a trip to Kraków to meet other Hivers with the opportunity to play a few pieces on the piano feels perfect.
More Updates Incoming!
The more we know about attendees and their schedules, the more effectively we can plan. So, please keep us informed, and stay excited for the upcoming HiveBeeCon!
The beneficiaries for this post are set to 100% for @krolestwo, our chosen venue, to help support our gathering.