Orange cake, a delicious dessert [ENG||ESP]

in Foodies Bee Hive27 days ago



The orange cake is a perfect snack for that craving for something sweet, the recipe is quite basic and only a few changes are made to the traditional vanilla recipe, just add a little zest and orange juice for flavor, it is easy to prepare, it is also so delicious with its citrus flavor and fresh aroma, I assure you that if you try to make this recipe, you will love it and you will want to make it every time.




  • 1 cup of natural orange juice
  • 3 cups of leavened wheat flour, previously sifted
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup butter
  • 4 eggs
  • Grated zest of one orange
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda




First add the eggs and sugar in a bowl, these two ingredients should be beaten until the mixture whitens.



Add the butter with the orange zest, the butter should be as soft as possible, I sometimes melt it but today I forgot, beat and stir with the previous mixture.


Add the orange juice to the previous mixture, beat everything together so that it is well incorporated.



Add the flour and the baking soda, mix until the flour is well incorporated and without lumps.


Prepare a cake pan and grease it, then sprinkle with a little flour, you can also put a sheet of parchment paper on the base so that the cake does not stick. I didn't turn on my oven because I made the cake on the stove over low heat.
Incorporate the dough into the mold, and bake about 30-40 minutes depending on the oven and let it cook until the cake is ready,



After about 25-30 minutes, insert a toothpick in the center of the cake, if it comes out dry it is ready, my cake almost burned, I baked it on the stove for 45 minutes, it is delicious and with a nice citrus aroma.




• The content is original
• The images are my property



Torta de naranja, un delicioso postre

La torta de naranja es una merienda perfecta para ese antojo de comer algo dulce, la receta es bastante básica y solo se le hacen pocos cambios a la receta tradicional de vainilla, solamente se le agrega un poco de ralladura y jugo de naranja para darle sabor, es fácil de preparar, además es tan deliciosa con su sabor cítrico y aroma fresco, yo les aseguro que si prueban hacer esta receta, les encantara y querrán hacerla siempre.




  • 1 taza de Jugo de naranja natural
  • 3 tazas de Harina de trigo leudante previamente tamizada
  • 1 taza de azúcar
  • ½ taza de mantequilla
  • 4 huevos
  • Ralladura de una naranja
  • 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato




Primero añade en un bol los huevos y el azúcar, estos dos ingredientes se deben batir hasta que la mezcla blanquee.



Se añade la mantequilla con la ralladura de naranja, la mantequilla debe estar lo más blanda posible, yo a veces la derrito pero hoy se me olvido, batir y remover con la mezcla anterior.


Incorpora el zumo de naranja a la mezcla anterior, bate todo junto para que quede todo bien incorporado.



Incorpora la harina y el bicarbonato, mezclar hasta que quede la harina bien incorporada y sin grumos.


Enciende el horno a 180 ºC con calor arriba y abajo. preparar un molde para tortas y engrasar, luego con un poco de harina espolvorea, también puedes poner una hoja de papel vegetal en la base para que no se pegue la torta. Yo no encendí mi horno porque hice la torta sobre la estufa a fuego lento.
Incorpora la masa dentro del molde, y hornear unos 30-40 minutos según el horno y deja que se cocine hasta que el bizcocho esté listo,



Pasados unos 25-30 minutos, insertar con un palillo el centro de la torta, si sale seco estará listo, mi torta casi se me quema, yo la cociné sobre la estufa por 45 minutos, queda deliciosa y con un agradable aroma a cítrico.




• El contenido de esta publicación es original.
• Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.


mujer en la laptop.jpeg

👇About me👇

I am a lover of Gastronomy, I am passionate about Culinary Photography, I love to read in my free time and keep learning. I value very much the time I share with my children, I see life as an Art, where I can create and make any idea come true! I have always loved technology and keeping up to date with its advances, I also like to spend time with my pets!



Si que delicia de torta, con cafecito me encanta 😋

Making sponge cake is difficult, but as long as the technique is right, you can get a thick and bubble texture on the cake.

I remember when I started baking cakes they didn't grow, I started baking when I was 13 years old, now I like to try different shapes and techniques in the elaboration of cakes, I love to make cakes.

Beautifully baked! That looks really good, cooked to perfection, I'd love this for breakfast, paired with coffee or hot milk drink. I think it would go well with it ✨

It is perfect for snacking, I love its aroma.

A great smell coming from what you bake can really make it more appetizing right. Hehe

The orange juice and Zest gave it a perfect glow. It looks so good.

Thanks, I think it would have had more shine if I had baked it, this cake I made it on the stove, with a lid at minimum heat, it cooks quite fast.

Look so big and fluffy ❤️❤️❤️ perfect 💯💯

Thanks 🤗🤗

Lovely bake! Looks amazing!
Thanks for sharing!!