Starting my small homebased empanada business is one of the most satisfying and rewarding decisions I ever had. What started as my love for empanada and cooking turned into something that will kickstart my entrepreneurial journey. I want to share with you the joys, triumphs, losses and everything in between- that I experienced and still experiencing with this kind of business.
The Inspiration
Cooking has always been my passion. It was enhanced when me and my sisters went to a university in Cebu. I was tasked to prepare our food. It started from simple fried dishes which eventually developed to more intricate meals.
I have always loved empanada but I didn't have the guts in making it because I knew it was complicated to make. There was one time I was craving for it and there was nowhere to buy one from. So I didn't have a choice but to make it on my own. Everyone who tasted it really like the taste. They were asking for more. That was my "aha" moment. It made me start wondering about turning my passion into a business.
Carefully thinking about the First Step
Putting up a business from home comes with challenges and learning opportunities. The first one was trying to perfect my empanada recipe to make sure of the product's consistency. I had a lot of experimenting especially with the texture of the dough. It took a lot of expenses and patience before I came up with what I thought was something that consumers will appreciate.
Once I had the perfect dough recipe, I then started experimenting for the filling recipe. I focused on what I was craving for- pork. It also took some time before I decided it was the taste I was looking for.
Creating a Brand from Scratch
Coming up with the perfect product is one of the most important things in starting a business. But I realized that marketing and branding were just as important. Since I am doing my business from home, I solely relied on social media to spread awareness to friends and the community. Good thing there is a popular community page in my city so marketing my product proved to be not that challenging. I had to post enticing photos every few hours to attract potential customers' attention.
Friends, family and acquaintances became my avid supporters. I can't thank them enough for encouraging me and tirelessly giving me constructive criticisms. It was through their feedbacks that new customers started pouring in.
Overcoming the Challenges that came along the way
Just like any businesses, having a homebased business is not an easy feat. A lot of time I struggled with time management, production, deliveries and packaging.
Another challenge was sourcing my ingredients at competitive prices but great quality to ensure the quality of my empanada.
One lesson I have always adhered to is the imprtance of planning. I started preparing in big batches, scheduling efficiently and I invested in proper packaging to make sure I maintain its quality.
I also started a pre-order system which increased my sale and at the same time was a big help with efficiency in production.
The Overwhelming Happiness of Serving My Customers
Despite all the challenges, the pure bliss of seeing a satisfied customer makes everything worth your while. There’s nothing more gratifying than hearing words of appreciation from people saying that my empanadas are the best that they have ever tasted. Most customers even made my empanadas part of their special occasions, from birthday celebrations to family gatherings.
I also realized that doing business is more than just selling the product — it’s also about starting a sense of connection. It can be through a written thank you note for an order or a private message with a repeat customer, I'm in love with building relationships with everyone who helps and support my small business.
About the Lessons I Learned and my Future Goals
Through this business, I learned so much about entrepreneurship, connecting with customers, and the importance of perseverance. If I would be given a chance to give an advice to someone who plans to start a homebased food business, it should be to never give up. A lot of adversities might discourage you from moving forward but always remember that anybody who backs out from a battle never win. Be someone like me who depended on social media to grow my business. It was hard- in the truest sense of the words, but it is also that hardship that makes this win worthwhile.
Final Thoughts
Starting my homebased empanada business has was an incedible adventure. It has taught me the real meaning of resilience, creativity, and the importance of word of mouth. Every order I get shows me that I am doing something more than just earning money — but also being someone who brings joy to others through food.
If you are thinking about starting a small food business, don't think negativities get you dow, go for it! With perseverance, dedication, and a your ability to learn, you can turn your cooking dreams into reality.
That would be all for this blog. I hope this inspired you. Till then!