I Bought Another Bundle of Games

in Hive Gaming9 months ago


Last night I was scrolling through the marketplace, and looking through my list of saved ads, and I was looking at the PS2, 3 and Xbox bundle.

I had no intention of buying it, because I haven't started selling yet, but I saw a few listing I had saved, sold, and out of impulse I actually messaged the seller.

The bundle I asked about, and offered money for was the PS3 games, and he said they were available, then I asked about the Xbox, and PS2 lots, he had up. He told me they were still available too, and I asked what he'd do for the lot.

The original cost would have been 315 for the lot, however, he came back and said 250 for everything. I agreed, even though I may have been able to talk him down a little bit more.

43 games, works out at 5.81 each, which isn't too bad.

I arranged to head up his way on the weekend, but he done one better and said that he could drive down and deliver them, on Saturday.

Originally he asked about Friday, and I said that I was working and wouldn't be back until late in the evening, but then I said, "if it's no hassle and you're free today, I'm actually off so could get them if it works."

He said that today would actually suit him better, and within an hour he was at the house.

So, Fable 2, and Gears, are roughly 10 Euros between them, 2 for Gears, and like 7, or 8 for Fable 2, maybe less.

Ghost Busters is 15-20ish, Lost Odyssey is 40ish, and Armored Core 4 is about the same.

Not a bad markup on just bunch alone.

Dragon Ball Z is 25ish, Killzone 3 with the steel box is about 20ish, and the rest seem to range from 5 - 10 Euros a piece.

See, not every game is going to be a winner, but there are a few in this massive bundle which made it worth buying the lot.

The guy didn't want to sell individually, so buying them all was the only option. Most will be shelf fillers, and depending on how I price the valuable ones, it shouldn't take some for them to be bought.

In this bunch, Ghost Hunter wins at 50 Euros, Operation Genesis is next at around 25, and DW 4 is next at 20. Metal Gear 3, and 2 are about 15 a piece.

Not a bad haul of PS2 games, all of them are in decent shape, some are missing manuals, but most of them are complete. Personally, I don't there'll be an issue selling them.

From this bunch, Drakengard wins, and in fact, it actually is the most valuable game at between 50 - 100 Euros, and I've seen it going for more. I'd probably put mine up for 75, as it's somewhere in between.

Timesplitters is about 20 Euros, and Megaman x8 is about 20 too.

Also, I got a free game, because when I opened Battlefront 2, Battlefront 1 was inside with it, and the disc only for that game goes for about 7.50. I see some selling for 10/11 but I tend to round down when pricing.

Of this bunch, Half Life is the winner at 35 Euros, and then Manhunt at 30.

It's not a bad haul at all, and there are a good few earners, while the rest will be decent shelf fillers for the time being.

On sites like eBay you can hold sales, where you drop the price on items, and I think the key is to wait until there are a few people watching it, and then drop it by 5% or 10% and see if it encourages some people to jump.

Here they are on the ground, and as you can see, it's a pretty impressive stack.

Some of the box's are a bit dirty, so the first order of business will be cleaning, and polishing them to get them ready for pictures, and I will clean the discs too then.

I have some games back at home that need doing, so I'll be choosing the valuable items of my entire collection to focus on cleaning, and I'll get them ready to list before focusing on the less expensive games.

This bugs me. Some little shit scribble on a few of the disks, nothing major, thank god, but annoying none the less.

I got a baby wipe out and started scrubbing to see if I could get rid of it.

With a bit of elbow greese I got rid of some of it, but it's still there. I'll need something stronger than a baby wipe, I think.

I'm going to pick up some white spirits, which should do the job.

Has anyone encountered this, or something like this before? Do you know of a good way to get rid of marker? I'm worried of damaging the disc, or making it stink of chemicals, but I'm not sure what else to do.

Before the guy arrived I started going through the list of sold items on eBay, and one by one got rough prices of recent sales.

I actually like this aspect of buying and selling, and think it's pretty fun.

Before he left, I wanted a clear figure, and not just guesstimates. I would like to play some of these games, but I also want my initial investment cost back too.

192 for the Xbox, and PS3 games alone.

The bulk of the value from selling these games, are in the PS2 games.

In total, there is potential to make 644.50, which isn't bad.

Bear in mind though, that when I find these numbers, I'm going with middle/ low prices I come across, which I think is better than only looking at the larger amounts these items have sold for recently and in the past.

To be honest, 650-ish, is a decent turn around, but I do think I'd easily be able to get 750+ if I were to list them closer to what they're selling for, rather than low mid.

It depends though, do I want to sell them a bit cheaper, and get rid fast, or do I want to hang onto them for a while and wait for a bit of a larger sale price?

I'll go with the quicker flip, I think, which will free me up to buy some more stock, because there are plenty of deals to be had still.

I jumped into this sale, afraid of loosing out. I'm lucky I did too, because the guy said that someone actually put in an offer for the PS2 games around the same time I did, but he decided to go with me because I seemed more genuine, and also I was interested in buying the three bundles together.


Dang dude, that's a great haul! Even if we assume you don't get the mid-range you mathed out, you're still very likely to double your investment and walk away with 500+ just for the effort of selling them individually. Great job!

Hell yeah man, it's not a bad little turn around.

I have so much fun routing around for deals, negotiating, and then finally receiving the stuff, as well as looking around to compare prices. I find all those aspects of it fun.

I'm a total amateur to this type of thing, and I'm sure with time I'll have a good idea of what sells fast, and what can sit around for a while. Which will just give me a better sense while on the hunt.


It's a really slick little hustle you've got brewing. I could definitely see it making you some good cash! At least here in Saskatchewan, we've got a pretty decent retro community and we're tiny so I'm sure with a larger population to work with you'll do great.

Here's hoping man, I've gathered a fair horde atm, and I haven't put silly money into it so it's cool for testing the waters and having fun.

I have my shop set up, now I just need to get on the ball and start it up.

Also, a cool aspect to it which I like, is that I get to playthrough the games while they're waiting to get listed/ sell, so it's a win win. Not that I have a hell of a lot of time to really get stuck into them, but how or never.

Heck yeah man! And hey, every bit of gaming you can talk about here, or record and post a vid for, is extra income on that initial investment.

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If there was ever a reason to be in favour of immortality, this is it. It's going to take a while to go through the collection, but it's worth it! :D

I managed to clean, and take pictures of about 10 - 15 games, and my god, it took a while. But, they're just about ready to start listing online.

I was hoping that I'd be able to playthrough some of these games before putting them up for sale, but with everything going on I don't really have the time, which is a shame.

I hear you. There aren't enough hours in the day to do all this cool stuff.

If I have those games, people would never see me coming out of my room 🤣. I wonder though, did you ever find "Eragon" I really wanna play this game so bad but apparently, it doesn't have other version. It only has PS2 and I want to have them.

I actually have come across one or two bundles online with Eragon included, one is a Xbox 360 version, and another is a PS2 version. I am yet to buy the bundles, but if they're still there when I'm ready for another bunch of games I'll be sure to pick it up.

I'm familiar with the game, but have never played it. If I end up up picking up a copy of it I'll let you know. I don't know how it works with region locking, I know that affected some games, but I think they done away with it for the PS2 and onwards.