[ENG]|[ESP] Friends in pink: An explosion of beauty and femininity

in Photography Lovers8 months ago

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope everyone is having a lovely day. Best wishes to all of you.

Today I want to share with you a very special photo shoot that I did with two dear friends: Mary and Gaby. The main color of this session was pink, a tone that perfectly represents them and evokes the essence of femininity in all its splendor.

Hola bonita comunidad de Photography Lovers, espero que todos estén teniendo un bonito día. Mis mejores deseos para todos ustedes.

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una sesión de fotos muy especial que realicé con dos amigas muy queridas: Mary y Gaby. El color protagonista de esta sesión fue el rosa, un tono que las representa a la perfección y que evoca la esencia de la feminidad en todo su esplendor.




The session began with a couple of photos together, capturing the complicity and joy that unites them. Then, we started the individual session, where each of them shone with their own light.

My friend Mary wore a white blazer because she wanted a more formal and businesslike look.

La sesión comenzó con un par de fotos juntas, capturando la complicidad y la alegría que las une. Luego, comenzamos con la sesión individual, donde cada una de ellas brilló con luz propia.

Mi amiga mary llevó un blazer blanco porque queria un aspecto mas formal y empresarial.



Mary, in her white blazer, radiated an aura of elegance and professionalism. Her poise and attitude reminded me of the power that a garment has to enhance a woman's natural beauty.

Mary, con su blazer blanco, irradiaba un aura de elegancia y profesionalismo. Su porte y su actitud me recordaron el poder que tiene una prenda para realzar la belleza natural de una mujer.



Gaby, on the other hand, is a professional makeup artist and an extremely photogenic person. Her passion for makeup is reflected in her face, always impeccable and full of color. Her naturalness and confidence in front of the camera make her an inspiring woman.

At this point, I think I'm already like her personal photographer, we are very good friends.

Gaby, por su parte, es una maquillista profesional y una persona sumamente fotogénica. Su pasión por el maquillaje se refleja en su rostro, siempre impecable y lleno de color. Su naturalidad y su confianza frente a la cámara la convierten en una mujer inspiradora.

A este punto creo que ya soy como su fotografo personal, somos muy buenos amigos.





Despite the limited space we were working in, we managed to make the most of the location and the energy that emanated from my friends.

Then I wanted to take some close-up shots because Gaby has light eyes full of expression, so they deserved a special focus. With some close-up shots, I was able to highlight her captivating gaze.

A pesar del espacio tan reducido en el que trabajamos, logramos sacar el máximo provecho del lugar y de la energía que emanaba de mis amigas.

Luego quise hacer unas fotos con planos cercanos ya que Gaby tiene los ojos claros y llenos de expresión, asi que merecían un enfoque especial. Con algunos planos cercanos, pude resaltar su mirada cautivadora.



I am confident that this photoshoot has been a resounding success. The photos are not only beautiful, but they also shows the essence of my friends: strong, talented, and full of vitality.

I want to thank Mary and Gaby for their trust and for allowing me to capture their beauty in these images. I also thank the Photography Lovers community for their constant support and for being a constant source of inspiration for me.

Estoy seguro de que esta sesión de fotos ha sido un éxito rotundo. Las fotos no solo son hermosas, sino que también transmiten la esencia de mis amigas: mujeres fuertes, talentosas y llenas de vitalidad.

Quiero agradecer a Mary y Gaby por su confianza y por permitirme capturar su belleza en estas imágenes. También agradezco a la comunidad de Photography Lovers por su constante apoyo y por ser fuente de inspiración constante para mi.




Bellas esas amigas y sus fotos. El color les queda espectacular!

si ese color les queda muy bien!

The combination of pink and white in clothes is a good one.

these colors will always looks really good in womans!

They are both very beautiful models. I hope you get to shoot with them more often. They both had some character... even at different spots on the spectrum. Beauty comes in many forms... thanks for sharing.

Yes thats true!! gaby is more femenine than mary but they both are beautiful!

we are planing to do more photoshoots soon, that's for sure!

I felt they were both quite feminine... but with a stronger character and physique than being 'just' feminine. Mary had some very pretty hair!

Excelente trabajo amigo, tu amiga de cabello rojo parece muy alta.


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 8 months ago Reveal Comment

Beautiful classy ladies in pink 🩷