Good day food lovers!!!!
Here I am again ,sharing to you about what we prepared for our father's birthday celebration.
My husband's father celebrates his 83rd birthday and we gave him a surprised celebration.
He did'nt expect that we prepared something for him.
He was asking if his kids does have plan for his birthday ,usually ai am the one who prepared for his birthday ,his daughters will send me money for his birthday.
I told him that I don't have yet recieved money but the truth is were planning what to prepare on his birthday.
His son raised some pigs and decided to roasted one pig for tatay's birthday ,this is the first time that tatay have this big preparation.
Every birthday he had ,he offered a prayer to Saint Roque .
I told them that I can't cooked more menu since I am came from my miscarriage,I am not yet feeling well ,I am still bleeding.
So we decided to ordered some food for tatay's birthday.
Early in the morning ,tatay heard a noisy sounds from my brother in-law's small piggery and he had some idea what's going on hahaha.
His not agreed that were having one little pig for his birthday since we are facing crisis ,he wants it grow and sell soon but his kids wants to give him this kind of celebration .
Around 9 in the morning ,I went to town ordered some foods and buy some cakes and other deserts.
While they are still preparing the roasted whole pig .
When the prayer for saint Roque done I prepared the table and set up everything we prepared for him.
When tatay saw the table ,a teary eye he had ,he was happy that he experienced this thing.He was blessed and thankful that his kids are thinking to prepare for his birthday although he don't agree on it but still he feels grateful for the blessing he had.
All I wish for tatay is to have more birthdays to come and a good health always.
Although I am not yet feeling well but I did what I can do for his birthday and happy to prepare this things to tatay .
Because of this preparation ,tatay called some of our neighbors and invited them for lunch ,he was happy talking with his friends too .
And that what we had for tatay's birthday celebration ,thank you guys for your time and have a great day!