Kachchi Biryani Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago
Hey Dear! Hope everyone is fine? Today I will share a new recipe with you. The recipe is completely different. There are several steps to follow to make this recipe. If the steps are followed correctly, the food will taste better. The name of the recipe is " "Kachchi Biryani" Ingredients to make this recipe: 1. Beef 1 kg 2. Basmati rice 1 cashew 3. Potatoes 125 grams 4. Chopped onion 1/2 cup 5. Sour curd, misty curd 1/2 cup 6. Potatoes 3 7. Peanuts, cashew nuts, raisins 8. Bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, white pepper, black pepper, dry chili, star long, nutmeg, nutmeg, royal cumin. Small cardamom, large cardamom 9. Lemon, peas 10. Soya sauce, tomato sauce 11. Garlic and ginger batter 12. Onion Barista 13 coriander leaves

First cut the meat into desired size pieces. Then clean and wash. Wash and remove the water.


Lightly heat the spices and grind them in a blender.


After that, take the meat in a container and put all the spices in it one by one. When all the spices are finished, mix the spices well with the meat. No water can be used while mixing. Cover them and let them rest for 2-4 hours.

Potatoes should be cut into big pieces and fried with a little yellow food color. After 2-4 hours, the soaked potatoes and peas should be spread evenly on the meat.

"Basmati rice" should be half boiled beforehand. Then after putting the potatoes on the meat, I will spread the cooked rice evenly and make a layer. On the rice, I will spread onion slices, 3/4 of the green pepper.

Now take 2 cups of water from the boiled rice in a bowl, add 2 spoons of powdered milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar and a little yellow food color to the water and mix it well. The test of biryani is to make the color beautiful.
Then cover the pot with flour and seal it with flour, so that no smoke can come out from the inside. In this way, keep it on medium heat for 1 hour. After an hour, this delicious "Kachchi Biryani" is ready. will be

"Kachchi Biryani"


 4 months ago (edited)

Hi @nazmunnahar

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