Three Tune Tuesday #180 .:. Leningrad (pt.2)

in Music3 months ago (edited)


Today I continue talking about Leningrad - the most intresting band of the Russian musical scene in 2000-es. Would be impossible to fit their story into a 3 songs selection, so this to be continued. | Part one. I delved into the band's history a little bit in #ttt #179, and today its just selection of my favorite music videos of the band.

Leningrad — Kolshik [Tattoo-artist]

(official video; 2016)

'Kolshik' in Russian slang means simply: a tattoo artist. What is the connection of the song lyrics with the story we see in the video? Actually, no connection at all;

the lyrics can be summarized like this: "Hey tattoo-man, draw me eyebrows bearing a frowning expression so that they remind me of my tragic love."

I imagine, the following dialog could have taken place between the band leader and the director:

Director: What do you want to see in the video?
Client: Fucked up circus.
Director: Got it. Say no more!

The video was shot by Ilya Naishuler, known Russian film maker. The shoot costed 25 million rubles (about $275k). The job was done with Hollywood blockbuster approach, achieving a rare details density and photographic realism.

We are shown the reverse order of events that took place. The trick of the video is that the brain does not keep up with the plot when it tries to match the current fragments with the song. Cheerful music accompanies the ongoing drama. And your nervous system does not understand how to react - a genius trick! It is not surprising that the video earned a bunch of awards at European festivals, including nominations for best video of the year / concept / visual effects.

The video illustrates the concept of "butterfly effect" - and the butterfly here that turned into a total apocalypse, was the soap bubble little girl blew in the circus.

As an extra, a few words about the song meaning - it may seem non-obvious (personally, I did not get it either the 1st or the 2nd time). The female half of humanity follows this strange belief that when all went wrong (with your job, relationships, etc.) - you need to change something in yourself (ideally your dress, but a hairstyle and tattooed eyebrows also will do the job) - and everything will be fixed immediately. The song is about the fact that the probability of solving all your problems by changing your look is as small as the probability that a soap bubble may lead to such a terrific local apocalypse.

If you couldn't understand the cause-and-effect relationship of events while watching the clip... kind people will help you (although of course this is a violation of the author's intent). Reversed version of the clip you can watch by this link:

And here is a short film about the shooting of this video; but all the comments are in Russian, sorry:

Leningrad — Cabriolet

(official video; 2019)

Back in 2019 this film won three Oscars: for direction, screenplay, and best leading actress (also was nominated for the best soundtrack, but did not win). This funny video can be considered as a short film - three minutes of screen time are so condensed that easily could have been expanded into a whole film! (Anna Parmas was the video director, and Florida Chanturia performed the vocal part). Leningrad's leader appeared in the video as a groom waiting for the bride who is late for the ceremony.

Here is the plot of the story: after a bachelorette party, the bride was late for her wedding ceremony; she jumped into the car and rushed, changing clothes and doing makeup while the auto-navigator leads her Mercedes to the destination point. During the crazy ride all sorts of adventures happen to her, the car turns into a cabriolet... By the way, the ride was accompanied by the playback of the famous Yegor Letov song "that everything is going according to a plan." Moral of the story (well, one of): your ride may end up the same when you rely on your car's navigator...

Видеоклип получил три премии Оскар: за режиссуру, сценарий и лучшую женскую роль первого плана (клип также был в номинации "лучший саундтрек", но здесь не выиграл). Смешное видео, которое можно смотреть как короткий фильм - в три минуты экранного времени свернули сюжет, который можно развернуть в целый фильм! Режиссером клипа стала Анна Пармас, а вокальную партию исполнила Флорида Чантурия. Лидер Ленинграда появился в клипе в роли жениха, ждущего опаздывающую на церемонию невесту.

Вот вам сюжет истории: на следующий день после девичника невеста забыла про свадьбу; она заскочила в машину и переодевается-делает макияж, пока авто-навигатор ведет мерседес к точке назначения. По пути с ней приключается всякое, а мерс превращается в кабриолет. Кстати, она ехала под знаменитую песню Егора Летова "что всё идет по плану". Если вы отдадите езду на откуп навигатору - ваш маршрут может оказаться таким же.

Leningrad — Gold

(official clip; 2019)

A great horror video about gold and female mercantilism. The video contains too much truth - if you are not ready to dive deeper into this idea, or you really not up for misogyny, please do not watch it.

Отличный клип про женский меркантилизм. В клипе очень много правды - если вы не готовы нырнуть поглубже в эту идею, лучше воздержитесь от его просмотра.

Extras for my Russian followers

«Кольщик» на сленге означает просто татуировщик. Между текстом текстом песни и историей, которую мы видим в клипе, нет никакой прямой свзи (но ее можно найти на уровне концепции... и копать придется очень, очень глубоко). На самом деле, между заказчиком (Шнур) и режиссером вполне мог иметь место следующий диалог:

Режиссер: Что бы вы хотели увидеть в клипе?
Шнур: Пиздец в цирке.
Режиссер: Ни слова больше!

Видео снял Илья Найшулер, известный съемками трешовых боевиков. Съемка клипа обошлась в 25 миллионов рублей (около $275k по текущему курсу). Клип снимали по-настоящему серьезно и тщательно, как дорогой голливудский блокбастер, достигая редкой плотности и насыщения кадра деталями. Нам показывают обратный порядок произошедших событий. Фишка видео в том, что наш мозг не успевает за сюжетом, когда пытается сопоставить текущие фрагменты с песней. Веселая музыка аккомпанирует происходящей драме. И ваша нервная система не понимает, как реагировать - гениальный прием! Неудивительно, что видео заработало кучу наград на европейских фестивалях, включая номинации лучшее видео года / концепт / визуальные эффекты. (А точнее: клип стал лауреатом премии Berlin Music Video Awards в номинациях «Лучшее музыкальное видео года» и «Лучший концепт», а также победителем лондонского фестиваля дизайна и рекламы D&AD, получил серебро на фестивале «Каннские львы» в номинации «Entertainment for Music», и номинацию «Лучшие визуальные эффекты» от UK Music Video Awards).

Клип объясняет такое понятие, как "эффект бабочки"- и бабочкой, которая обернулась всеобщим апокалипсисом, стал мыльный пузырь, который выдула девочка.

Вдогонку несколько слов о смысле песни, который может показаться неочевидным (я сам, например, не вкурил ни с первого, ни со второго раза). У женской половины человечества есть следующая концепция: когда все плохо (на работе, в отношениях и т.д.) - надо что-нибудь поменять в себе (в идеале, конечно, платье, но и прическа, и татуированные брови тоже сработают) - и сразу все исправится. Песня о том, что вероятность решения всех твоих проблем посредством изменения внешности примерно так же мала, как вероятность того, что мыльный пузырь приведет к такому вот локальному апокалипсису.

Для тех, кто затрудняется установить причинно-следственную связь событий при просмотре клипа - добрые люди помогли и выложили для вас обратную прокрутку видео (хотя конечно это нарушение авторского замысла). И на этом я закругляюсь. Надеюсь, вам понравился сегодняшний выпуск!


Hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 151 | 152 | 154 | 156 | 157 | 165 | 167 | 168 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 177 | 178 | 179 | 180 |


All videos and music is copyrighted by the artists, not me!
My posts at worldmappin
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The video clip in the Gold one, is very interesting, with all of us crypto lover it is so nice to see the BTC sign on the Arabian, fancy car. !LOL really a good way to attract monsters. : )
!PIZZA !hiqvotes

Ha! 'Gold' is cool but I'd recommend you to look twice at the video in the Circus - some folks out there consider it to be on of the greatest musical videos created ever!
Thank you for feedback and choosing your favourite, my friend. Here is a hot juicy Hive !PIZZA back, and I am sure @commentrewarder will bring something for you at its tail as well, after this post will payout. 😜
'Cabriolet' is my fave here, as it is the most funny and I can watch it endlessly! 😎

What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

Credit: reddit
@qwerrie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ekavieka

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I missed the first two videos because they are restricted here on Cuba..... And I don't have VPN installed on the laptop.
😂 I know I will soon need a Kolshik when BTC hits 100K. I know the video has nothing to do with this tattoo artist thing because I read the whole post.

I loved Cabriolet!!!! ;) It's so extreme! 😜

Damn those restrictions :/ I really hate this sh.... er... obstacle.
Found a vimeo link - maybe this will work for you?



I managed to see it, thank you! Wow, what violence... But it's a work of art 😱.
These mini-movies are really cool.
I recently saw something made like this... Oh, yes. The Coldplay video: The Scientist.

Agree, the video is not that fluffy butterfly, its more of a carnivorous predator... thus it has the YouTube restriction "not for everyone" / not for kids. But its a nice piece of art - harsh, dark, and tragic.
Here is some !PIZZA for a better aftertaste 😉
ps 'Scientist'? Do you recommend to watch it? I will check.

Hey @nanixxx, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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I loved the last two, awesome! I think we all know that feeling the blonde had with a mega hangover! Unfortunately the first two were age restricted and I don't keep an active youtube account (or most other social media), got sick of everyone selling my information. The fucked up circus sounded like it was going to be awesome though!

Damn those restrictions :/ I really feel sad about this obstacle.

May this link will work for you?


That is awesome! That one worked!

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Mille Grazie, Amie! 😘

It's a pleasure

The Tattoo artist music video is actually quite deep for me. I mean tattoos are permanent and the video shows bad things get turned back in time, maybe as a warning to people who want to get tattoos.

Just my POV :)

Hmm... I didn't see a single tattoo in the movie; moreover, using common logic, the clip then might be a warning to all those who like to blow soap bubbles, lol. After all, it all happened after a little girl blew a soap bubble, which hit an acrobat in her eye... 😜 !BEER

Hey @foxkat, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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@qwerrie, I paid out 1.042 HIVE and 0.279 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.