I was wowed when I saw the pictures and I had to check the previous post about Madeira too. Maybe Madeira should be called home of flowers and foods too. That Portuguese island must have a lot of wonderful things
Well, I can see that you already commented on the previous post when it was published so you either didn´t read the post (which is what you usually do) or forgot about it. Just out of curiosity: what was the last time you actually read someone´s post here on Hive? I mean read it all. Not just browse the pictures...
I do wonder if she's actually a bot :) She doesn't tend to respond to replies.
I wouldn´t say she is a bot. I think she is just an ignorant comment farmer who never reads the posts that she comments on and never replies to anything :D Actually, as I´m thinking about it now, a bot would be a better option :D
There's a few people who go purely for quantity of comments and get some Ecency points for it. You can see that they only spend a minute or two per post, so can't be reading or watching much. I am not rewarding them for that. Mind you, it is not as bad as it got on the old Tsu site I used where you got a lot of comments just saying 'Nice post'. As Hive grows we may have more issues like that. Real engagement tends to be more rewarding.
Yeah, I noticed that some people write like dozens of these super short generic comments every day. I thought they only do it because they can get some little upvotes for that but I didn´t realize they also collect Ecency points by that. Now I also get why they never reply. That´s actually pretty sad. Fortunately, most of the engagement I get under my posts is still real and organic. And I really appreciate it :)