Hello Hello to all you wonderful Hivians and music lovers
Joe Le Taxi Be my Baby on Sunday Mondays
I was watching a new series on Netflix while I did some work early this morning.
It was a French series set in Paris called Furies and of course there was music in there.
It got me thinking of French singers, and with Sunday being a gorgeous day, I wanted something upbeat to share with you on ttt.
So Vanessa Paradis popped into my head.
I am sure she is more famous for her lovelifes than her music.
It is Tuesday and that of course means that it's #ttt or #threetunetuesday and so it's time to share some tunes with you!
Joe Le Taxi Be my Baby on Sunday Mondays
I am sure from the title some people will know the songs but for the youngsters I am not so sure!
As you know I love drawing in inspiration from many places for my three tune tuesday post.
@ablaze started #ttt 145 weeks ago! Go check out what it is all about on his latest post Pearl Jam for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 144 - 12 HBI shares to be won!
Do go support @ablaze as without him we would not have this mental fun musical activity that you can win HSBI from! I am happy to be one of the TWELVE sponsors and it is kinda fun checking out music from all over this global village of ours!
Long live #ttt 😁🎼 and #threetunetuesday
Today we are going to play three songs from across that channel and gave me a good excuse to speak some French!
French inspired ttt
Vanessa Paradis - Sunday Mondays
I know I know today is Tuesday, but I was not going to kick off the tttwith I think the most well know Vanessa Paradis song, no siree that is held to the end... so Sunday Mondays we get today.
Fun fact Sunday Monday escape ~ Hope Street Hotel
Stay with us, enjoy dinner for two in 1931 and a delicious cooked breakfast the next morning. Available on Sunday and Mondays.
I presumed the Hope Street was Glasgow but it is actually Liverpool. The price £169..
Actually I would rather have a Sunday Monday escape to Paris.
In fact, I do fancy a trip to France! Been too long since I had French croissants.
Vanessa Paradis - Be My Baby
Fun fact
Did you know the song was actually first performed by The Ronettes in 1963 fronted by Ronnie Spector. She is touted as the first bad girl of rock n roll.
On to today's earworm....
Vanessa Paradis - Joe Le Taxi
This was the song that put her on the road to stardom and she was only 14 when she recorded it.
I hope that you enjoyed these 4/4 inspired tunes.
Which was your favourite (if any) ?
Note: The three four YouTube videos that I have shared are not owned by me, I am simply spreading great music on Hive.
I wish that you all have a brilliant rest of your week, and until we meet again enjoy your tunes 🎶🎵🎶
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated. Lead Image generated by pixlr AI generator from my prompt.
Haste Ye Back!
@tengolotodo March 5th 2024