Hello ASEAN Buddies
There are not many types of Indian food that I like. This is because my tongue does not match the spices they mix into their dishes which are quite diverse. The first time I got acquainted with Indian Food, my stomach hurt. However, after trying it several times, I started to get used to Samosa, Tea Masala, Nasi Briyani, Curry, and others. For Your Information, I am a former journalist at a Magazine initiated by the Indian diaspora in Indonesia, so I am very familiar with the types of activities and Indian Food.
I love Indian Food like the delicious Nasi Briyani and tempting Tea Masala. . However, I have never tried some street foods. Like one of the famous street foods, Pani Puri. I never found it at Indian diaspora events while I was working, so I was quite curious about the taste.
It just so happened that when I visited Batu Chaves in Malaysia, there were several street food tenants selling Pani Puri. I saw it once, the seller maintained the hygiene of his Pani Puri so I was interested in stopping by and trying it.
The seller offered various flavors but I chose the original flavor. While waiting for my Pani Puri to be ready, the sales assistant invited me to chat. Apparently she was a foreign worker from Indonesia, so we chatted in Bahasa. Every now and then she told the Pani Puri seller what we were talking about.
Now this is my Pani Puri. Quite different from what I've seen before. There wasn't much sauce, even though I had imagined how fresh the sauce would be. Or spicy? Even though there was no sauce, the Pani Puri I ate was not like other Indian Foods that have lots of spices. I could still enjoy it. It seems that Pani Puri has become one of my favorite Indian Foods since then. Later I'll just look for the tenant in Indonesia and compare it with the one I've eaten.
Thanks in advance guys, to read my blog and hope you like my post!
See you on the next post...
Vivie Hardika
Hi, Halo, Annyeong! Welcome to my galaxy.
I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of those are romance.
Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.