I Analyzed the Best Link Shares of Medium, Blogspot, and Wordpress, and Compiled a List of the Hottest Subreddits for Hive Link Sharing. HivePosh Weekly #7

in HivePoshlast month

HivePosh users learn from each other what subreddits are the best for sharing... And I thought: Why not learn from Hive's competitors? I checked the best Medium, Blogspot, and Wordpress link shares on Reddit, and collected subreddits with the most potential for Hive.

r/Futurology 🗣 21M

We have regular AI-related content on Hive, some posts are quite good and can fit this sub which is

devoted to the field of Future(s) Studies and evidence-based speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilization.

They accept blog links; look at this Medium link share with 4.4K upvotes:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 13-09-38 The Global Shift Toward Legalizing Euthanasia Is Moving Fast r_Futurology.png

Another lovely link share in the same subreddit:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 17-47-08 Publish PeakD.png

But don't forget to read their rules! They sound strict but check the feed and you'll find fresh blog link shares:

But, yup, this sub isn't the best for dropping a random link to get several upvotes.

r/collapse 🗣 522K

For those who feel that the world is declining. Posts about AI's negative impact might fit the sub. A decent write-up can potentially get a good support like this Blogspot blog link share with 2K upvotes:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 21-11-05 The Economy Has Failed the American People But It's Taboo To Say Why r_collapse.png

Or this Medium link share with 527 upvotes:

And another Medium link:

And this is a climate change talk, a Wordpress link:

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 11-25-48 Publish PeakD.png

The sub is strict. Engage and share only the best.

r/vegan 🗣 1.9M

r/vegan focuses on research and lifestyle vegan news and opinions. This content is rarer than vegan recipes but potentially more rewarding. Look at this share with 1.2K upvotes:

And this:

However, pay attention to the rules:

We encourage active community members to share their content with r/vegan. However, if it appears that your participation in the community consists solely of promoting blogs/vlogs/websites/instagrams/etc., whether they be your own or someone else's, or the community reports your submissions as spam, your threads may be removed. This inevitably applies to submissions from brand-new users.

r/todayilearned 🗣 39M

This subreddit isn't news for HivePosh users but, anyway, I am sharing it here since I consider it extremely promising. The concept of the subreddit is simple: in the title, you write 'TIL' (Today I Learned) followed by a fact interesting for the general public. For example:

However, they have one unusual requirement:

Any sources (blog, article, press release, video, etc.) more recent than two months are not allowed.

Use amazing HiveSearcher to find old posts. Or Google search:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 10-29-55 fun facts about reading chinese site ecency.com - Google Search.jpg

r/HistoryAnecdotes 🗣 100K

I shared there once and found this sub again during today's research. Although 100K isn't that huge, blog links are well-upvoted there.

They host intriguing historical anecdotes with titles summarizing the story. A successful share can get a massive support like this Medium blog share with 1.9K upvotes:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 13-26-34 In 1928 2 Russian ballerinas fell in love with the same man and in order to resolve the love triangle they simultaneously killed themselves during the middle of a stage production in front of[...].png

r/history 🗣 18M

r/history also accepts blog links. This Blogspot link share got 610 upvotes in this sub:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 10-39-34 Publish PeakD.png

History can generate a lot of upvotes/views but we have not many fresh posts about it on Hive. Use HiveSearcher or Google to find older posts.

Read the rules!

r/AnythingGoesNews 🗣 164K

Not that easy to find a blog-link-friendly news subreddit. This one is friendly indeed: look at this Blogspot share with almost 800 upvotes:

And another one from the same blogging platform:

Keep in mind that most American Reddit users are supporters of the Democratic Party so they'll appreciate only narratives related to their agenda.

r/NewsOfTheWeird 🗣 117K

Yup, another news sub with an unusual flavor: they want:

weird and wacky news from all over the world.

Since they search for weirdness, you can write a post based on your translation of weird news from your country.

The sub starves for content so, probably, mods will upvote your share well to help it to gain traction.

r/80s 🗣 216K

A lovely sub for sharing posts about this colorful and bizarre decade. A nice movie review with many screenshots might work in this sub as well as a set of nostalgic (anemoia-cal) photographs or forgotten tracks.

I found no huge blog link shares in r/80s but posts are well-supported there; for example, this Blogspot share got 140 upvotes:

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 10-45-55 Publish PeakD.png

r/[a state]. Find and share American content

I found many Medium/Blogspot/Wordpress shares with great upvote numbers in r/[a state] and r/[a US city]. This is due to the fact that about 47% of daily Reddit users are American.

Almost anything related to the USA makes more views/upvotes on Reddit.

Alas, we have not many active bloggers from the USA, and they often post 3-5 images per post with a short story which can't usually make a perfect share. But it's worth hunting. I check tags "usa" and "us" from time to time.

A Blogspot link share with 1.7K upvotes:

Political subjects are at the top but it doesn't mean that an excellent post of another topic can't repeat the success.

Travel-America stories with weekend trip potential, like, discovering hidden gems of the countryside of a certain state, can work well.

American recipes with regional flavor might get much attention.

Anything connected to the US news is pure gold. If you find a decent post of such nature, you are a lucky one.

If something newsworthy is happening in the USA (like the recent wildfires in California or snow in Florida), search for relevant content on Hive to share on Reddit.

Other Subs with Cases of 250+ Upvotes for Blog Links

I am finishing my review with a list of decent blog-link-friendly subs (based on statistics for the past year, so, DYOR):

r/formula1, r/lostgeneration, r/lgbt, r/Urbanism, r/UFOs, r/atheism, r/Games, r/gaming, r/programming, r/WorkReform, r/Gunners, r/REBubble, r/math, r/UnsolvedMysteries, r/hiphopheads, r/SquaredCircle, r/socialism

New HivePosh users

Traditionally, I am mentioning this week's new HivePosh users: @katerinaramm, @princekeys, @samadbro08, @churaudo, @loading, @eni-ola. Welcome all! Join the movement! 😀 Have a question? Ask me in the comments section! And don't forget to read a Beginner's Guide to avoid your Reddit account being suspended.

New Hive-Friendly Subreddits Discovered

We continue collecting Hive-friendly subs to help HivePosh beginners. These subreddits were discovered in the past week:

www.reddit.com/r/SewingForBeginners 🗣 114K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/PhilippinesPics 🗣 341K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/memecoins 🗣 123K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/moviereviews 🗣 11K by @m2nnari
www.reddit.com/r/AnythingGoesNews 🗣 164K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/ArtFestival 🗣 1K by @theworldaroundme
www.reddit.com/r/AxieInfinity 🗣 99K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/RomaniaPorn 🗣 52K by @blkchn
www.reddit.com/r/solana 🗣 365K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/BOLIVIA 🗣 43K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/CLOUDS 🗣 148K by @blkchn
www.reddit.com/r/jewelrylove 🗣 19K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/TrainPorn 🗣 78K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/mushroom 🗣 42K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/litecoin 🗣 365K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/southafrica 🗣 257K by @dkkfrodo
www.reddit.com/r/japan 🗣 1.6M by @dkkfrodo
www.reddit.com/r/pourover 🗣 73K by @tsnaks
www.reddit.com/r/Finland 🗣 254K by @blkchn

Thank you all for your input!

Hope this was a useful read for you, dear Hiver. Feel free to ask any questions about HivePosh and Reddit in the comments section below! 🙂

The drawings were generated with PeakD AI: https://peakd.com/ai


This is actually a very interesting post, thank you very much!
I will check out the friendly reddit communities you post about

Glad you found it interesting. Thank you for the feedback and good luck in sharing Hive links!

I got pretty carried away xD, it's so addicting sharing on Reddit, even just posting on reddit is pretty addicting.
I didn't know before that on that site they show how many views you get so actively and when Number go up, I'm happy.

Yes, Hive link sharing is like gambling but you never lose money :D The worst thing that can happen is they suspend your Reddit account.

Good to see you not only share links but also engage on Reddit - they can suspend, indeed - we had such cases. Though, your account isn't new so you are safer.

Yeah, 2 of my friends already got suspended from Reddit, but their accounts were brand new.

I'm now slowing down from my initial link sharing hype and I hope I will be safe if I keep it to 1-3 links per day, maybe skip a few days here and there.

I actually found something I loved on Reddit, so it's pretty easy for me to gain Comment Karma and some post karma, and that's the Old School Runescape reddit :D

I actually found something I loved on Reddit

I have a favorite game sub too, r/GodsUnchained, I play daily, easy to engage.

I will personally try to emphasize quality: thinking of engaging in some serious subs for better chances for my shares there. Thinking about writing posts that I can share successfully in such large subs. Let's see.

How was your experience with r/REBubble? This.

Did they ban you or what happened? It looks like your share got a decent amount of views first - many comments below...

The comments were mostly negative and the post got removed by moderators, I don't think I got banned.

There were many comments so the article did good work :D It's a pity they removed the share.

I feel the subreddit is still good for sharing, I just didn't hit it with a good enough article.

I might be. Or it may be that they accept only links from people who've engaged there for a while... Or they only accept links from their own people (or even only paid links, who knows).

Enjoy ☺️

Excellent catches there! Let's see what we can do

Thank you!

Glad you tried r/HistoryAnecdotes and got a welcoming result. However, I would choose a title, like, "30.000 people came to hippodrome for promised imperial rewards but, instead, were all executed in 532 in Constantinople" - that would fit the sub's idea better and, thus, potentially could bring more upvotes.

Oh yes I like history so I wanted to give a try 😊 thanks for the tip, you are right, it temps too for a click and check... If you post too remember they ask for a short summary in the comment (I see no one does but as a new sharer I didn't feel like break the rules)

I tried weird news too, still waiting for approval from mods tough

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day.

Thank you! Have a nice day too! /The contest post is coming, today :-)/

BTW, I'm off topic but no clue how to give a suggestion so I'll write down here, now when sharing a post the message is

"The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @davideownzall ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com. Otherwise, rewards go to the author of the blog post."

There is no mention on the fact that even the author of the post earns a part, so it's kinda misleading and makes think only the sharer earns put of your efforts making the post ... Might be worth add something like

"The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @davideownzall ) sharing the post on Reddit as long as they are registered with @poshtoken, and to the post author" or and @ author if you can get it somehow easily...

I'll tag @acidyo too as he might be more the right person for this

The breakdown is currently 100% goes to the beneficiary, more likely to support the system. So best to either rephrase or revise the breakdown otherwise it is misleading and may upset some sharers/authors expecting something. 👍

Right now a part (not sure if 10-20-30%) goes to the author, but it's not written so of course one might get upset at seeing nothing for him but all to the sharer on paper

@x-rain i shared on /vegan sub, small brief with link (first post better not just drop a link and go away), going very good, good catch there

A fantastic share! 🔥👍👍 Hope it'll reach 1000+ upvotes 🙏🔥🔥

Yep let's see! I will start engaging too in that sub to avoid being seen as hive blog spam

Counting down! 10! 😄🔥🔥

FireShot Capture 054 - _r_Vegan - the largest vegan community online! - www.reddit.com.png

Wow that's overwhelming, target 2000?😅

Yup. 1.3K already. 😀

Ehm 3k?

4.7K..... 4 times better than example in the post above 😀

Can you please send me a screenshot of this share - I will use it for HivePosh Weekly. (Not for the contest, of course - you can post your top 5 when you want, of course).

Thank you for the input, @xrain. I tried posting on r/todayilearned a few weeks ago, but it was bounced back. I’m not sure why, but I’ll give it another go.

Mushroom groups tend to prefer photos rather than links. I’ve managed to get away with links a few times, but it’s best not to overdo it.

The moderators are generally okay, but as soon as redditors flag a post as an ad, they tend to act on it quickly.

We learn a lot as we go, which is a good thing. Keeping the hive ecosystem active is a great idea overall. It helps maintain the flow, allowing good articles to gain visibility. These pieces are sitting there, waiting to be discovered, and could be incredibly valuable and helpful to others. That’s one of the reasons I love sharing them – I always end up learning something new as well.

It’s also important to accept criticism, as it can often be constructive. After all, we can’t please everyone.

Enjoy, everyone!

I am talking about all the articles here in Hive; if someone shares your content, take it as positive as it is good content. 😊

Thank you for the input, @xrain. I tried posting on r/todayilearned a few weeks ago, but it was bounced back. I’m not sure why

Maybe, because you misspelled words like my nickname (and not for the first time)? 😀

Mushroom groups tend to prefer photos rather than links

Right. Many subs prefer a set of pictures posted on Reddit to a link leading to a Hive post. For example, country subs love travel pictures but often don't want links to travel posts. Some of them just tolerate such links - that means the mods don't upvote your share, means your share doesn't gain traction from them.

Some of subs I shared above are strict and need to be treated scrupulously, with a long-term attitude. Then, they might bring much use.

Oh I beg your pardon @x-rain, 😀

Ok got you, yes some are heavily moderated.

Hey @x-rain, here is a little bit of BEER from @katerinaramm for you. Enjoy it!

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