PostsCommentsiscrak in #hive-117778 • 5 months agoA Well Deserved Lunch / Un Almuerzo Bien MerecidoEnglish Version A Well Deserved Lunch After a strenuous morning day the only thing you want is to return home to rest a little and at the same time enjoy a delicious…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 7 months agoA Light and Tasty Dish / Un Platillo Ligero y SabrosoEnglish Version A Light and Tasty Dish Homemade food is known to be one of the most delicious and I personally enjoy it when I have the opportunity to prepare my own…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 8 months agoA Delicious Lunch / Un Rico AlmuerzoEnglish Version A Delicious Lunch Eating is one of the best experiences we can live, delighting ourselves with the flavors and textures of our favorite dishes is a truly…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 8 months agoA Delicious Dish / Un Delicioso PlatilloEnglish Version A Delicious Dish There is no better pleasure than the one we can feel when we spend a whole morning at home and prepare a delicious lunch, since in that…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 10 months agoA Simple but Tasty Dish / Un almuerzo rápidoEnglish Version A Simple but Tasty Dish One of the main characteristics of the modern world is that life goes by at a much faster speed, this is due to the fact that we…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 11 months agoA Very Pleasant Lunch / Un Almuerzo Muy AgradableEnglish Version A Very Pleasant Lunch I believe that one of the best moments of the day is when it is time for lunch, because it is a space of time where we stop for a…iscrak in #hive-117778 • 11 months agoA Lunch Packed with Flavor / Un Almuerzo Repleto de SaborEnglish Version A Lunch Packed with Flavor I am a guy of simple tastes, luxuries, eccentricities and excesses were never a determining factor in my day to day, but I…iscrak in #hive-117778 • last yearA Colorful Lunch / Un Almuerzo ColoridoEnglish Version A Colorful Lunch There is definitely nothing better than enjoying a plate of food whose flavors are perfect, whose aroma is very original and whose…