Running late today, but no - I haven't forgotten - or been hit by a bus. It was actually a pretty good day all in all and was very busy with Christmas "fun". Every second year we play hosts and have between 15 and 20 people coming for the meal on the Eve (when it is celebrated in Finland), and we have started setting up already, as it takes a lot of work. We need an extra dining table to seat, and have to collect plates from family to serve everyone, as well as do all the various prep. We do the ham also - which is over 8 kilos.
Smallsteps and I made a gingerbread house also.
From a packet kit.
After that however, the local amusement park which is generally closed through the winter, had a "light" event for a couple days, where they have put on some various light displays. My wife thought I would like to go and take some photos there before it ends tomorrow, and this is what I got. It ends tomorrow, but it is going to rain more (the snow is already sliding off the roof), so I braved "light rain" instead tonight.
It was 18€ for a ticket.
It wasn't worth it.
But, since I was there, I might as well take some photos.
It was like a school art display.
With blacklights.
Flourescent cords lit up with blacklights.
A big heart, which would have been okay for lover pictures, if they had thought through the position of it so there wasn't a whole lot of random stuff in the image too.

The tallest building in Finland - for a little longer. Supposedly they are building a larger one down near Helsinki somewhere. This one is not that tall either at 168m (552 ft), thought it was built way back in 1971, so it was probably pretty tall for the time. For a Nordic country

And then there were some faces painted in flourescent colors, and lit up with blacklights. They were pretty well done overall, and they looked like they had been spraypainted with cans, so not too bad technique-wise. If I was still a raver...
Oh, and most of the amusement par was closed, but they had a cafe or two open, as well as a couple arcade games. There weren't too many people playing, nor visiting at all, though I get there about an hour and a half before it closed. Since it gets dark at 4pm at the moment, there might have been more people earlier, plus the weather had been better then also. I had to continually wipe my lens.
While the displays were mediocre at best, with so few people around at this time of night, it was quite nice to walk through the park alone. The few times I have been there earlier was in the summer and it was full of screaming kids - tonight, it was peaceful, with only the sound effects and instrumental music playing.

I think the prizes at these sideshows have got worse. I remember in high school I won a big fluffy teddy bear for my girlfriend, that was about the size of her. It was even pretty decent quality. The stuff now is just brightly colored trash to grab attention, but not actually be nice.
Sorry Pikachu.
And that is it.
While it wasn't the most awesome show in the world, at least it mode for a bit of different night out with the camera, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. I took some other photos from there as well, but they didn't really fit in with the theme and there were not enough blacklights used. They might be useful for an article image or two later - so not a total loss.
How was your Saturday?
[ Gen1: Hive ]