Cream Stew Season
The days are getting colder, and I love eating cream stew, especially because potatoes from my hometown are so tasty. My current area is also known for its potatoes, and I prefer yellow potatoes over red ones.
Recently, my mother sent me a stew package. I usually make stew from scratch, but sometimes it’s convenient to use a pre-made mix. Interestingly, this package looked different from the ones I’ve seen before, not rectangular, but with rounded corners. It also featured the label “Hokkaido Fresh Cream.”
When I decided to make stew, I planned to pick up some potatoes since they’re a key ingredient for cream stew. But I realized I had forgotten to buy them! I didn’t want to change my menu, so I decided to go ahead and make the stew without potatoes.
This time, I made 16 mixed-grain rice, which turned a nice pinkish colour. I’ve been enjoying mixed-grain rice instead of plain white rice lately.
Fortunately, I found some roasted sweet potatoes left over from the other day in the fridge, which made a good substitute for the missing potatoes in the stew.
Cream Stew Pack (for 10 servings)
1 carrot
250g pork
4–5 eringi mushrooms
1/3 head of Chinese cabbage
1 onion
100g green beans
Parsley for garnish
2 teaspoons oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
200ml milk
1600ml water
Poptates are also important ingredients.
・Cut all vegetables and pork into bite-sized pieces.
・Heat a frying pan and add the oil. Cook the pork, then add the onion, eringi, and carrot.
・Add the water and bring it to a boil, then remove from heat.
・Stir in the cream stew mix until well combined, then add the milk and Chinese cabbage. Boil it again.
・Boil the green beans separately to use as a topping.
・Serve the stew with rice, and put the parsley on the stew.
The cooking time is around 25-30 minutes including the preparation time.
Japanese 日本語
にんじん 1本
豚肉 250g
エリンギ 4−5本
白菜 1/ 3
玉ねぎ 1個
インゲン豆 100g
パセリ トッピング用
油 小さじ2
塩こしょう 少々
牛乳 200ml
水 1600ml
Thank you for reading!