The Best Mondongo in the World- An Honest Food Review

in Picture A Day12 days ago (edited)

I've had mondongo soup before, and though it's an acquired taste, I liked it. The vegetables and herbs combined with the fibrous stomach lining of the animal harvested for this purpose. I truly enjoyed it, and I'm not afraid to admit it. In North America, we're a bit squeamish about eating certain parts of an animal, especially those that remind us that we're eating an animal.

I ordered mondongo soup from this place, and though a delectable gustatory time was promised, it was not delivered. The mode of preparation was not what I expected. No yucca and no meaty chunks of stomach tripe goodness for me to sink my teeth into. It also had an exotic flavour that I could not really identify but might've been the taste of pork meat. In a different region of the caribbean, I might've had the beef variety in the past. So, it seems my lack of enthusiasm for the soup was not the fault of the restaurant but of my own expectations and culinary accent.

Although, I was a little disappointed with the soup, I enjoyed the look of the place with its kitsch industrial retro-futuristic look. That was worth the experience.

Mondongo Restaurant.jpg

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Images by @litguru


@litguru Hi, when I saw the photo I thought it was a recreational area, but when I read your work, I understood better. I wasn't expecting it. Mondongo is a highly prized soup in South America. It's a shame you were disappointed with the preparation there. I hope you can find a place where it's much better. Good luck.😁😎

Thank you! Mondongo is delicious, and it seems different people have their own versions. I might have to make my own 😄