Weekly Amazing Drinks Curation

Post Nº 1
(Esp/Eng) Deliciosa merengada de mango con leche y maní con mucha proteínas / Delicious mango meringue with milk and peanuts with lots of proteins
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 2
My very special three layer green color ( Gourd + lemon + sugar +Salt ) juice, just awesome!!!!!
by @rafiyan

Post Nº 4
by @leidys01

Post Nº 8
by @josief27

Post Nº 12
(ENG/ESP)Rich and nutritious guava and cambur juice to drink with the family.
by @eduardog23

Post Nº 13
by @josdelmi

Post Nº 14
Tea to overcome seasonal flu with patience 🍵Té para superar la gripe estacional
by @rosa4r

Post Nº 15
Nutrient-rich feeling of choice Dewa fruit (Artocarpus lacucha) Easy Recipe tutorial.
by @mdakash62

Post Nº 18
EN/ES:Whey shake with chocolate and oats//Batido de suero de leche con chocolate y avena
by @niggyayo

Post Nº 21
by @marile21

Post Nº 27
Pineapple Salt Spicy Sweet Smoothie Juice Recipe. A simple recipe tutorialy
by @mdakash62

Post Nº 39
Healthy Yogurt, Orange and Chia Smoothie. / Saludable Batido de Yogurt, Naranja y Chía.
by @carisma77

In this and in all Cheers to us , we will choose three of our users, as beneficiaries of 3% (each one). This time we have chosen @josdelmi @leidys01 @luisacarola for the excellence of the content they share with us, Hivers.
We take this opportunity to announce that from now on, the Amazing Drinks community will have the support of the INLEO team, through the daily voting of two (2) posts from our users, so we invite you to publish your amazing drinks from INLEO Come toast with us at INLEO. Cheers!. In this easy tutorial you can see how to publish from INLEO and remember that INLEO is a Hive front, if you publish from INLEO, you are publishing in Hive.

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