I dreamt a feverish dream
filled with food from a foreign country
and a browned eyed brown haired girl
devouring my soul
I woke up in a cold sweat
with her face in front of my eyes
as she sucked my being
into her own
An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write
I sat down behind a wooden table, through which I could see a girl staring at me. The food was foreign to me as I did not know the soup-like consistency. She lured me into this place, where I could not decipher the language or her intentions. It felt like a dream, a feverish dream, I felt lost in my own mind. She did not speak, nor did she exude any discernable facial expressions of what she wanted from me. Her hair was slick and her eyes devoured my soul as she initiated battles inside of me.
She took a bite of her food, in a fashion so elegantly I could not begin to eat myself. I looked at her, a type of moving artwork, I licked the very image of her. But my facial expressions did not divulge my own intentions, or so I thought. As she smiled, she stood up and walked away. I was alone in a strange place, and I could not move. She was gone and I was alone in a feverish dream...
I found the girl I could not write at the strangest of places. She sipped on a spoonful of ramen broth as I tried to approach her. In the feverish dream, she walked away and I was alone with her bowl of food in front of me. I tried to take a sip, but as soon as I bent forward, my soul was sucked into a world I could not make sense of...
In this series of photographs, I found the girl at a ramen restaurant eating different bowls of food, hiding behind artworks in striking colours. I hope that you enjoy them.
Feverish Japanese Dreams
Postscriptum, or Waking up in a Cold Sweat
The dream consumed my whole being. I awoke in a cold sweat. I felt around myself to find my glasses. As I put them on, the girl from my feverish dream reappeared, almost as if she hid inside of my glasses. As I took them off, she disappeared again, normality restored. But I longed for her, the adrenaline she caused to surge in me. I put on the glasses, following her lead as she lured me to new dark corners in which my dreams consumed me. I felt the familiar drunkenness return to my limbs, my eyes losing sight of reality, consumed by her all-present dream-like-ness. I lost track of what kept me bound to the world, and I left it for good, to be united with a feverish dream.
The last week was one of those in which you could do nothing. I presented my paper at a conference, but I also listened to countless other papers. People from all over the world philosophised in a strange convergence of ideas, good food, and conversation. I could not find the girl between these differing ideas and modalities, so I construed a dream of her, which turned into a feverish dream.
Talk of this dream aside, the last was really busy, one of the most busy I have experienced in a long time. I needed a break, and we did indeed take a break away at the start of the new year. And now, we are back at it, grinding again in this every expanding machine.
I hope that you enjoyed this series of photographs of the girl I could never write, with some food added to the dream!
And I hope that your start of the year was a little more phases in.
For now, happy photographing, and keep well!
All of the photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and either my 50mm Nikkor or 300m Tamron lenses. The musings, words, and dreams in this post are also my own, inspired by the girl I could not write.