Sounds like you know. If you finish those tasks, they give you such a good feeling.
Oh… woodworking and making the kitchen. That’s lot of fun.
It is a long time… I hope we can have a proper holiday soon.
Yes, I so understand. Masters and a phd do take up all your time especially when you work next to it.
Thank you ☺️ one day… I have “free” time.
Good to hear you had some sun. We too for the last 2 days. It so changes everything… also my mood hahaha
I hope the rain at yours isn’t too heavy. I know you do need it.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy it.
I posted today a post to show off my new worldmappin hoodie that I won in their challenge. I did some self portraits with my camera, what was actually a lot of fun, even though I don’t like being in front of a camera hahaha 🤣 it was a good sunny day to do so.