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RE: 🌼🥞 FIRST produce out of my garden : DANDELION PANCAKES ANYONE ??? 😉🌼

in Photography Lovers20 days ago

Sounds like you know. If you finish those tasks, they give you such a good feeling.
Oh… woodworking and making the kitchen. That’s lot of fun.

It is a long time… I hope we can have a proper holiday soon.
Yes, I so understand. Masters and a phd do take up all your time especially when you work next to it.

Thank you ☺️ one day… I have “free” time.

Good to hear you had some sun. We too for the last 2 days. It so changes everything… also my mood hahaha
I hope the rain at yours isn’t too heavy. I know you do need it.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy it.
I posted today a post to show off my new worldmappin hoodie that I won in their challenge. I did some self portraits with my camera, what was actually a lot of fun, even though I don’t like being in front of a camera hahaha 🤣 it was a good sunny day to do so.



Oh yes, I saw the hoodie and stickers! I have wanted to make some stickers for myself with my own worldmappin logo on it. But my life has been so busy and with travelling I still have to do this. It looks super cool though, so well done!!

The rain luckily stopped, but there is some rain spells in the day. I went for a 5k jog today and almost did it in the rain! Luckily it is cool temperatures then, so the run is easier than when it would be in 40 degrees.

For sure, one or two good days can really recharge one's batteries! I need some of those days now, as work is devouring me a bit haha. But in a good way. My most recent post is basically my brain contemplating the desire to say something when you have too much to say! So frustrating, but also so interesting.

I hope the weather and all is good that side!

Enjoy the new week.

Thank you ☺️
Oh that would be cool to make your own. I hope you find some time one day, let me know when you do.

Luckily it did stop and you could go out for a run. Never fun to do it when it is tooooo hot. 🥵

We get our time to recharge and relax. 🧘🏻‍♀️
Yes… I know that feeling. You want to say so much but…

The weather is still strange. We had a hot spell and this week the temperatures are down to -12 again. So everything that was defrosted is solid ice now. On top of the snow is a layer of ice. Very strange. When walking in the garden on our paths in the snow (that is still 60 cm) it is loud. The crunch under my feet… almost stepping on glass… crunch. Maybe I should film it.
Just finding time to get out is hard. As so many things from the renovation is taking way longer than anticipated.
I started on the staircase and upstairs hallway. The stairs have so many layers on them. Varnish / lacquer. Than bits of paint on them side. But also on almost any surface old glue.
I figured out there must have been laminate on them stairs.
So it takes me a long time to remove all of that plus on some of the steps a cement like substance.

Ach well… it keeps me busy too hahaha

Hope all is well. Take care and have a great end of the week.

It is good that you stay busy! It is a wholesome feeling when you can be happy when you are busy doing something like that. I yearn for those days, as I am still very much in limbo where I cannot grow deep roots. But the time will come.

That is so interesting regarding the snow. I would have never thought about it like that. But it makes total sense that it would react like that underneath your feet. So interesting.

So sorry for only replying now, time flew by me and I am not sure where it went. I am so busy with my work that it seems like I have no time for myself.

I hope things are less busy that side!

Keep well and happy new week.

The best part with the renovation is when a room is finished and I put the furniture back it. It does look so good.
You will one day grow roots… I hope I will do too. Hahaha

Still the same. The loud crunch… the layer of snow is getting less but the top is still ice. We had a few days of new snowfall, even today. But yesterday it was 7 degrees outside with sun. A strange hear weather wise for sure.

Oh no worries… here the same. Busy busy. Tomorrow we go grocery shopping 🛒 and a few more supplies like paint. It is always such an interesting day out as the drive to the shops is so long. And anything can really happen on the road.
Every time we see some kind of wild life.

Nope, got even busier.
We did book a holiday away, time for some sunshine and no snow. I hope to have finished most of it by then. End of next month. I am sure still work left when I return somewhere in May.
I hope you find some you time… and some days are less busy.

Take care and have a wonderful new week.