Back in Italia, after three months

in #italy2 months ago

I am sitting in a bar in Guardia Sanframondi, trying to write a first post in over a week and a half, while being positively distracted by Italian food, red wine, chatter and 3 different flashing screens that I can see out of the corner of my eye.

It is good to be back (in Italy).

è bello tornare

Back in the land of great coffee...

Especially with una donna bellisima al mio fianco.

The love of my life.

I am blessed.

I have had to wait for this kind of life for a long, long time and so has @clareartista but we are together for over 4 months now and it just gets better and better
( Says the man who had almost given up on love or finding a romantic partner, due to past disappointments. In all honesty, I was very much used to being single and relatively happy and living like a monk/hermit, albeit a social one ).

Clare and I returned to Italy and arrived at Clare's our house, yesterday mid-afternoon, after a 5 days/4 nights cross-country trip from Portugal to Italy via Spain that included a couple of car/cab rides, two busses ( including a highly uncomfortable night bus), an overnight Mediterranean ferry trip and two easy-peasy train rides.

I will probably get into the journey itself in a future post (or two) but for now it suffices to say that it feels good to be back here. It feels so different from my arrival here, early September of last year.

Back then I came with the dream of conquering Clare, hoping that we could be more than 'just' friends. Who would have known that, 4 months later, we would have traveled three countries twice and that our love would have grown so strong.

Being back here, together, feels like the right choice, without a doubt.

It warms my heart to see Clare spending time with her three cats, again ( as depicted here )...

even though one of them kept us up for quite a while, in the night, meowing for attention non-stop like a li'l kid who can only cry, in order to get what it wants

It also felt great to see Clare return to her social, chatty self, catching up with friends and acquaintances

And, let's be fair, it doesn't hurt to get back to eating Italian food, although I am looking forward to balancing this out with healthy cooking and lots of exercise, outdoors as well as in the bedroom.

It helps to have a woman on my side who has grown up foraging and who knows this city and its surroundings intimately. Even in Winter, there's plenty of greens and fruit to find out here, if you know where to look for it.

Now let me end this return to posting with a picture of me holding humongous bietole. It was taken by Clare after yesterday's late afternoon foraging session, as shared in her wave/snap that you can read and upvote here

It's getting dark here, early, as there seems to be pretty of humidity and possibly snow in the sky. It feels good to experience (proper) Winter weather again after a couple of (non) Winters in Portugal, especially when you wear proper (warm) clothing and, luckily, Clare has plenty of that in stock.

Sending good vibes from Guardia Sanframondi. Happy to be back!


Awww Vincent.... I love your beautiful post, and to feel closer and closer to your magnificent self, every hour of every day. Sssooooooo good to be back in this place with new eyes and heart bursting open wide.

Ah that's clementine!! I love them

Wow!!! You are living the Bourn identity life minus the stressful chases and killing. Travelling different countries with una donna bellisima al mio fianco.
Stay blessed my friend.
And say hi to Tony, Frank and Fat Angelo. 😂
Damn it!! Why cant I greet like normal people... Have fun my friend.

Clare is so beautiful
I wish your relationship well
You both should have fun
Love from this angle❤️🧡

Those leaves.. They are like the wings of an angel! :OD

What would happen to angels if we would eat their wings though...

Bentornati! Already wine on the hand 😂 I expect next posts to be fully in Italian then 😂

I'm happy for the cats too, they have Clare back

It's good Italy is treating you both well, enjoying the great meals and fine wines. I wish you both continued happiness and prosperity. God bless.

Grazie mille!

The food in Italy is very delicious and varied. Be happy with your beloved @clareartista, and have more and more good times.
