"Groompa" foods at Micca Tea Room / ミッカ ティールームの『ぐるんぱ』メニュー

in Eating Out5 months ago (edited)



Do you know the picture book "Groompa's Kindergarten" ?

It is a Japanese picture book first published in 1966, but it has been translated and published around the world, so some of you may have read it before. I had only seen the cover of the book in bookstores and libraries, but I did not know about the contents until recently.

From the title "Groompa's Kindergarten", I thought it was the story of a baby elephant named "Groompa" going to a daycare center. But to my surprise, "Groompa" was a smelly, dirty, adult elephant who had lived alone all his life!

One day a meeting is held in the jungle and it is decided that Groompa will be put to work. He is taken to the river by the village elephants, washed by everyone, and goes to town to work. ......Please find the rest of the story in the library or other places and read it. The story is more serious than I imagined, and I was surprised while reading it to my second son🤣

The "Picture and Word Library Micca" in Kameari, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, is currently holding a "World of Picture Books" exhibition on the theme of "Groompa's Kindergarten". I went there the other day with my second son to enjoy a menu based on "Groompa" at the attached "Micca Tea Room".

The picture book related menu is as shown in the picture, Groompa's Butter Chicken Curry, Biscuits, Ginger Tea, etc.... All of them are cute..!

Because it was a weekday morning, the tearoom was very empty and we were able to sit in a large center seat. We sat for a while waiting for water and menus to be served, but no one came out! It was only after a while that I realized that this was a counter style restaurant where we ordered at the counter😅

We each ordered "Groompa's Butter Chicken Curry" and received book 9 as a number tag. When our order was ready, we were called by the number written in the book. How nice! By the way, the book number 9 was "Night on the Galactic Railroad" by Kenji Miyazawa.

Books and sundries are also sold in the store, where people can relax and wait for their food to be ready. Groompa mugs, postcards, and masking tape were also on sale.

Of course, the picture book “Groompa's Kindergarten” was also available!

Here is the Butter Chicken Curry that we received in exchange for book 9! Cute..! The cheek part is a sliced carrot.

I looked at my second son and said, "I'm not sure where to start eating"... but he didn't hesitate and had started eating from the neck...🤣I followed his lead and started eating from the neck. Surprisingly, it tasted less sweet and more mature. I love butter chicken curry at Indian curry shops, so I felt it was quite light and unsatisfying compared to that, but the cute appearance was enough to make up for it.

This is Earl Grey iced tea.

Well, we finished our curry, but we could still eat some more. So we ordered a parfait to follow. It was a parfait with milk and strawberry ice cream, pineapple, and jelly. The cookies tasted like homemade and were delicious as well. Maybe they are baked in the store.

This butter chicken curry was something my second son and I had been talking about wanting to try for some time. I was happy to finally have my wish come true and eat it. However, it was expensive... The butter chicken curry, Earl Grey tea, and parfait (each for two people) cost over 5,000 yen ($33) in total. It was too expensive for a lunch with a 6 year old.

I may not be able to eat out anymore this month... lol

This tea room is located just off JR Kameari Station (Lirio Kameari 7F), so it is easily accessible. Please visit there if you have a chance😉





なんと 「ぐるんぱ」、臭くて汚い、ずっと一人で暮らしてきた大人の象でした!ある日ジャングルで会議が開かれ、ぐるんぱは働きに出されることが決まります。そして「ぐるんぱ」は川に連れていかれ、みんなに洗われて、働くために町へ。・・・続きはぜひ、図書館などで探して読んでみてください。想像以上にシビアな物語で、次男に読み聞かせながら私がビックリしてしまいました。

現在、亀有にある『絵と言葉のライブラリー ミッカ』では、『ぐるんぱのようちえん』をテーマにした「えほんの世界展」を開催中です。そして、併設のミッカティールームでは「ぐるんぱ」を題材にしたメニューを食べられるということで、先日次男と一緒に行ってきました。








さて、カレーを平らげ、まだもう少し食べたいね・・・ ということで、続いてパフェを注文しました。ミルクとストロベリーのアイスクリーム、パイナップル、ゼリーなどが乗ったパフェで、やさしい味がしました。ビスケットはお店で焼いているのかな、自家製っぽい味でこちらもおいしかったです。

以前から次男と「食べてみたいね」と話していたぐるんぱのバターチキンカレー、ついに念願叶って食べることができて満足です。しかし、高かった… バターチキンカレーとアールグレイティーのセット、そしてパフェをそれぞれ2人分で5,000円オーバーです。。6歳児と食べるランチにしては高過ぎました。



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wow i want some butter chicken curry looks good

It tasted normal but looked cute!

o.o owh so not that good then :/ just good plating

It was different from authentic butter chicken curry! Not bad, though.🐘

oh my how cute. are they doing a different story each day?

Maybe every few months the theme story changes!
This story is up through December🙂

ohhh nice thanks, I’ve added it to my want-to-go-list lol 😆

It is located in Ito Yokado right after getting off at JR Kameari Station!😋


I must say that I don't know the book “Groompa's Kindergarten”; although without having read it I really liked the idea of joining literature and cooking. That avocado and dessert look very tasty and fun. Perfect for a child.

I don't know if I will ever be able to visit that place, but I thank you very much for sharing this visit with us.

Best regards @go-kyo.

Thanks for reading!

This tea room is adjacent to the library, which occasionally offers a menu related to a particular book. This picture book is old and has many fans, so I think many people were pleased. It was a bit expensive, though😉

Ohhh nice of you to keep us on suspense, now I’m curious to know what actually happened in the book.

Picture books have happy endings. But the road to get there is quite tough, and I felt sorry for this elephant along the way😿😿