Hello there my lovely hivers!!!! How's your life lately? Are you all doing well? I hope you are. For today's blog I will share our recent happenings.
It was on October 26, we had an activity for our CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service) subject. It was worth 100 points if we joined the cleanup drive, and it was also required for our clearance.
The cleanup drive started at 6 a.m. and was scheduled to last until 8 a.m. We all met at the school because we dont knew exactly where Barangay Sambag was located.
I arrived at school around 5 a.m., making sure to come early since our place is quite far it takes about 30 minutes to get to the school from home. My father gave me a ride because it was still so early in the morning.
I was the first one among my classmates to arrive, and after a while, they started arriving too. Some of them were hungry, so they grabbed some coffee nearby.
After a while, we headed to Barangay Sambag. There were a students from other courses, which helped make the work go faster so we could finish more quickly.
Our cleanup area turned out to be at the cemetery. When we entered the place, it was really muddy because it had rained the day before we went.
We forgot to bring gloves and masks, but we still do our part.We brought sacks with us to put all the trash we collected. The diapers was scattered all over the cemetery. Wherever we go we see a diaper.
The area looked very clean , but then their trashes was just stacked in piles, mixing the plastics with the leaves.
After we finished picking up the trashes, we felt tired, and our sack was half full from all the trash. We went back to the front of the cemetery, where many students had already piled their sacks to make it easier for the people picking up the trash.
Afterwards, our teacher told us to go back because there were only a few sacks piled up outside. We all headed back to the cemetery. But to our surprise, there was a lot of human waste , and it smelled really bad.
The place where their waste was dumped was near the mangroves where we were cleaning. One of our classmates even stepped in it.
After our sack was full, we didn’t realize how heavy it had become because the clothes were wet.
As we were making our way back to the front of the cemetery, our CWTS teacher take us pictures to document our cleanup activity.
We gathered together for some group photos.
After our coastal clean up drive we were really happy to have made a difference in the community. It felt rewarding to know that our efforts helped clean up the area and contributed to a cleaner environment.
Even though we did was a little act, it can make a big difference in the community. If everyone does their part, we can create a cleaner and healthier place for all of us.
Afterwards, we had breakfast because we were really exhausted from the cleanup drive.
When we arrived at school, we lined up to get our medical check-up. They checked our vital signs.
That's all for today's blog my lovely hivers!! I hope you enjoy reading my blog till the end. Godbless. Have a great d