On the (Tasty) Superiority of Women

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

Classy ambience with a touch of pop

Sorry boys, but we lost this battle of the sexes. Women are the superior sex when it comes to the gustatory system. Not to get too technical, but our gustatory system is comprised of various weird mechanisms like taste buds, receptor cells, ion channels, nerves, neurons, and so forth spread out through our piehole and right into the nogging in a delicious neuro-synaptic matrix of flavour-processing biocomputers. Complex and complicated stuff. Researchers conduct all sorts of tests to determine our abilities to sense, perceive, identify, discriminate the different aspects of taste, and generally speaking, ladies have higher taste sensitivity than men because women can identify substances using lower concentrations.

Mezcal with Mexican spices. Ay chihuahua!

I like the presentation. Very thoughtful and refined.

Differences between men and women have also been observed in terms of hormonal influences on taste.

Free nachos and sauces? Don't mind if I do

It is not secret that the human female undergoes hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives as a consequence of menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, environmental stress and so on. These fluctuations are not so pronounced in men. Therefore, these hormonal changes have a differential effect on the sexes in their ability to process gustatory signals. Estrogen in particular is basically Miracle Growth for taste receptors.

Chorizo to kick it up a notch. Ole!

Other differences between men and women that have been observed is their preference to sweet vs salty foods. As you may have guessed, women lean towards the sweet flavours, and men prefer salty foods. Very curious.

Yup. These guys and gals got my number.

I can confirm that this was delicious

What could account for such differences in taste between males and females? It has been found that women have more taste buds on their tongues than men. So, this could account for the ladies' ability to detect flavours more easily and come out on top of tests vs men. Moreover, as they age, men and women experience a decline in taste sensitivity but men get the raw end of the stick because the decline is more pronounced in us. There are also cultural factors at play because believe it or not, taste is influenced not only by the biological mechanisms but environmental factors as well.

Interesting fact ✍️ : Taste receptors cells on your tongue only last two weeks and are then replaced.

Jaguars on the wall? More likely than you think

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woman are superior

I didn't need to read anything else after that to agree with you.

When it comes to sensation and perception, it's hard to argue with the science as many tests have shown that women outperform men. Other tests have shown differently 😜

Male funded science, I'm sure :P TAke the wins where you can grab them.. :p

Hehe. Male funded science. 😆

Yep. There's a wealth of gender biases. Don't even get me started on menopause.

Well in my case I prefer savoury over sweet hahaha I hardly eat sweet and it's not because I can't but because it doesn't appeal to me.

Women see more colours than men!😃

I prefer sweet myself 😋


taste is influenced not only by the biological mechanisms but environmental factors as well

Almost impossible to separate environmental/epigenetic influences from inherent biology (before epigenetic influences).

When I was 23 I was casting about for direction, looking for a career path to follow because I wasn't happy with where I was. 3 days, on and off, of comprehensive testing and the result? I showed both male and female preferences. I couldn't be pigeonholed in a vocation identified with either gender. Who, I wondered, came up with those stereotypes? This was obviously so culturally specific.

There may be some built-in differences between the genders, but that would be almost impossible to determine because culture so thoroughly distorts our natures.

As always, your blog is quite interesting.

How about you? Do your taste preferences fit the model (salty over sweet?) Give me a salty chip over a cookie any day (although I can't resist icing/sans the cake😄).

These psychophysical studies that show male and female differences in gustatory functions are fairly tight, scientifically speaking. But we have to remember that they are dealing with averages not absolutes. I'm a male and have a strong sweet tooth, for example, but in general the gender differences researchers have found are statistically sound. They have found both innate and environmental variables affect our perception of taste. It's a fascinating subject, and I might dive deeper later. Thank you for reading and your insightful comment. 🧠