Hello Hello feathered friends and all sunny people of the Hive
Sometimes I take pictures knowing where I am going to use them, but not sure when!
This is the case of this wee seagull. Being a coast dweller I have long been around to seagulls and they are by and large a bloody pest. However they can still look fluffing cute. I think Seamus looked quite photgenic, do tell me what you think at the end!
You will see why when we get there...
But first, let's head down to the beach...
I was actually out for a stroll and was taking some other pictures down on the seafront or esplanade.
The Firth of Forth which is the body of water is pretty busy. We have Grangemouth refinery up the road so you can usually see a few tankers in the water not too mention drilling platforms from the North Sea that have not been rented out.
So there we have a local seagull, he goes by the name of Seamus.
He likes to strutt his stuff on the the catwalk...
I am pretty sure he is a herringgull. Our coast used to be teaming with herring but over fishing has led to the decline of the Silver Darlings.
Seagulls meanwhile are protected. So even though they are pests, nothing seems to be done about them.
I had to pop in that shot ....
Talk about knobbly knees 🤣🤣🤣
Well I think it was a more a case of Seamus showing me his fluffy ass!
When the sky is blue they do look quite vivid pictures of Seamus.
And like any good model he does have a favourite side.
At times you can see how vicious they can be with their beak, look at that profile, almost eagle like!
Okay so not that eagle like, but it does show why they can rip open a packet of fish and chips in no seconds flat!
Yes I am looking at you Seamus. I think this is called giving me the evil eye.
Just look at that, the cheeky fluffer showed me where the life preserver was in case I fell in the water, as unlike him I can't just fly out of harms way!
So there we have it. That was Seamus strutting up and down the esplanade wall or in his case his catwalk!
I do hope you liked this little meander on the seafront whilst we watched Seamus the seagull strut his stuff on the catwalk.
This post though, is an entry for this week's Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 163 hosted by the wonderful @nelinoeva in the fantastic Feathered Friends community on Hive.
And I shall pick this one for the entry
It was very hard to choose, I did think of one of him strutting on the catwalk, but I choose him trying to look all tough!
What do you think? Was that your favourite?
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo April 22nd 2024
Haste Ye Back!