kpbermudez in #hive-187189 • 29 days agoCelebrando el día del amor y la amistad con las chicas superpoderosas 💞🌺// Celebrating the day of love and friendship with the powerpuff girls 💞🌺![pXLxvDOhZG72Svmx_IMG-20250221-WA0002.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-187189 • last monthDegustando los nuevos productos de Budapest: Buenas frutas para nuestro organismo 🍌🥝🍓// Tasting the new products of Budapest: Good fruits for our body 🍌🥝🍓![u6Wnka9pQVZiDlQd_Pink_Floral_Modern_Beauty_Salon_and_Spa_Flyer_20250209_102811_0000.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 3 months ago"La mesa está servida": Cena de Nochebuena ✨// "The table is set": Christmas Eve Dinner ✨![46xMJgv4Eh8ULo2u_IMG-20241226-WA0000.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 3 months agoDesayuno cumpleañero 🎂😍 // Birthday breakfast 🎂😍 ![vx2H5uhkpeEl6xhe_IMG-20241209-WA0005.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 4 months agoEl regalo de Ina, salida a come 💞🎀// Ina's gift, out to eat 💞🎀![qFewOuqoY5XxaE2g_IMG-20241113-WA0008.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 5 months agoQue bonito es reencuentrarse con los amigos 💞// How nice it is to reunite with friends 💞![42bVh8Rtao952992_IMG-20241014-WA0006.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 6 months agoOctavita de cumpleaños 💞 🍖🎂// birthday notecard 💞 🍖🎂![2eENkLcI4OArvZrZ_IMG-20240929-WA0003.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 6 months agoVisité La Capital Burger 🗽🌭// I visited The Capital Burger 🗽🌭![cbt5zR1tt7NB8lw2_IMG-20240914-WA0013.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 6 months agoUn día de comidas saludables 🥗😍// A day of healthy meals 🥗😍![zxKImMu1j6nGdz8w_IMG-20240908-WA0026.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 7 months agoPreparando galletas saludables 🍪🤩// Preparing healthy cookies 🍪🤩![tmRGCaok2t9whwhV_IMG-20240822-WA0000.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 7 months agoDomingo de: Ensalada César con pollo en familia 🥗💞// Sunday: Caesar salad with chicken with family 🥗💞![sJI1wFHuQ4zEZnyl_IMG-20240818-WA0009.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 7 months agoUn desayuno y una conversación: personas que siempre están ❤️// A breakfast and a conversation: people who are always there ❤️![rKHGVdFsB2QCzUCH_IMG-20240806-WA0001.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 8 months agoCumpleaños de papá en familia y con pinchos 🍗❤️// Dad's birthday with family and with spikes 🍗❤️![a3UEE2OFjGEe0dEH_IMG-20240804-WA0001.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 8 months ago6 hamburguesas por 200 bs 😱// 6 burgers for 200 bs 😱![w1tW7xSZWlk18ozL_IMG-20240802-WA0022.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 8 months agoDía de pinchos en familia, nostalgia vinotinto ❤️// Family skewers day, vinotinto nostalgia ❤️![edwq0kVyacRpVF1C_IMG_20240706_181645.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoDe vez en cuando...🍨🍫🍬// From time to time...🍨🍫🍬![AmCZqY89LqkDh8NP_IMG-20240703-WA0002.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 9 months ago1 hora y media fuera de casa... 💝😍// 1 hour and a half away from home... 💝😍![oATzUt2U8Md6fvNl_IMG-20240701-WA0001.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoComiendo Shawarmas de pollo 🍗😍// Eating Chicken Shawarmas 🍗😍![vEV24a5KRLMzxY8d_IMG-20240620-WA0004.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoPreparando una hermosa morenaza 🍍🍒// Preparing a beautiful brunette 🍍🍒![IHcYXngw3EhNBiuY_IMG-20240615-WA0009.webp](kpbermudez in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoEl antojo de 1 mes y medio 🍔🤤// The craving of 1 month and a half 🍔🤤![uIlWwIjA1P06RAll_IMG-20240608-WA0008.webp](