lauramica in #hive-163772 • 12 days agoBolivia - On the way to Samaipata town: can you guess how much a lunch on the road like this one cost us? / En camino al pueblo de Samaipata: ¿puedes adivinar cuánto nos costó un almuerzo en la ruta como este? 😃❤️It was the eleventh day of our trip through Bolivia but it felt as if we had been travelling in that country for a much longer time. We had become somewhat accustomed to the arid…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 13 days agoDaily Blog - Sucre night tour with tourist mode activated: trying cheap food in Bolivia and free dance class. / Paseo nocturno en Sucre con modo turista activado: probando comida barata en Bolivia y clase libre de baile. 😃❤️The fact that Bolivia was considerably cheaper than Argentina allowed my budget to cover a few more things. For an improvised trip, everything was going pretty well. During our…lauramica in #hive-196308 • 15 days agoMarket Friday - Orange chicken and other products we came across in a large supermarket in Bolivia. / Pollo anaranjado y otros productos que nos cruzamos en un gran supermercado de Bolivia. 😃❤️Besides having seen many new and beautiful landscapes in Bolivia, other everyday things also managed to surprise me. Getting to know the culture and how they do things in another…lauramica in #hive-163106 • 18 days agoNomad Hive - How to manage your money efficiently during your nomadic journey so you don't go (too) hungry. / Cómo administrar eficientemente tu dinero durante tu viaje nómada para no pasar (tanta) hambre. 😅❤️For most of the time I spent travelling in my nomadic phase, I did it by exchanging work for accommodation. This mode of travelling allows you to save a very large amount of…lauramica in #hive-178265 • last monthDaily Blog - Dining for less than $3: food in Bolivia is really cheap and in the town of Atocha even more so. / Cenando por menos de $3: la comida en Bolivia es realmente económica y en el pueblo de Atocha aún más. 😃❤️Taking three days to relax a bit in the Bolivian city of Tupiza was good for us: after a lot of driving, it was necessary to take a break. This time allowed us to get to know the…lauramica in #hive-196233 • last monthRant, Complain, Talk - On the new food I saw in Bolivia and other bad manipulation practices I found out there. / Sobre la comida nueva que vi en Bolivia y otras malas prácticas de manipulación que encontré por ahí. 🙃🙃After circumstances put everything on track for me to travel to a new country, I felt I had a lot of new things to discover. Although Bolivia is close to my country Argentina, I…lauramica in #hive-163772 • 2 months agoArgentina - Walk to "Cafayate Goats", a wine and cheese farm to enjoy at a good price in Salta. / Paseo hasta "Cabras de Cafayate", una granja de vinos y quesos para disfrutar a buen precio en Salta. 😃❤️Despite being a small town, Cafayate in Salta has a lot to offer. My planned stay was for two weeks, so I had plenty of time to make a few things. The good thing is that most of…lauramica in #hive-127911 • 2 months agoNeedle Work Monday - One of the many repairs I had to make to my backpack in order to be able to continue the journey. / Uno de los muchos arreglos que tuve que hacer en mi mochila para poder continuar el viaje. 😅❤️Although I can't take my sewing machine with me, during this whole trip I always had to do some minor repairs so my sewing box is always with me. The thing that has broken the…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 3 months agoDaily Blog - The day I tasted the best potato pie in the most isolated hotel of all: 100 km to get there was worth it. / El día que probé el mejor pastel de papas en el hotel más aislado de todos: 100 km para llegar valieron la pena. 😃❤️When I'm travelling, one of the things I do least is eat out. It's not that I don't like the local cuisine, but sometimes I prefer to save my budget for other things. But when I…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 3 months agoDaily Blog - A relaxed day spent walking around and cooking something: taking the time to enjoy the little things. / Un día relajado aprovechado para pasear un poco y cocinar algo: tomarse el tiempo para disfrutar pequeños detalles. 😃❤️During my days of exchanging work for accommodation at the hostel in Catamarca I had to learn to deal with something I had not had the opportunity to face before: my own…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 4 months agoDaily Blog - The peace of mind of knowing that there is always someone at home waiting for me to return. / La tranquilidad de saber que siempre hay alguien en casa esperando que vuelva. 😃❤️One of my favourite parts of going on a trip is that when I return, there are always very emotional reunions with my family and friends. I am a very sentimental person and I like…lauramica in #hive-100067 • 4 months agoHive Food - Lentil stew, my favourite meal made everywhere I go: what's yours and do you know how to make it? / Guiso de lentejas, mi comida favorita hecha en cada lugar al que voy: ¿cuál es la tuya y sabes prepararla? 😃❤️During my last travels I was almost always in the south of my country Argentina, which means low temperatures during the whole day or at least in a large part of it. This cold…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 5 months agoDaily Blog - Breakfast at Cabaña Micó: a coffee shop with a privileged location and the best submarine. / Desayunando en Cabaña Micó: una cafetería con una ubicación privilegiada y el mejor submarino. 😃❤️During my stay in El Bolsón, unfortunately the weather was not good enough to make some trips in the mountains. The weather in the autumn in this small town is quite unstable…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 5 months agoDaily Blog - Missing hostel life: the best part of traveling is sharing with new friends along the way. / Extrañando la vida de hostel: la mejor parte del viaje es compartir con nuevos amigos del camino. 😃❤️When I decided to change my location from El Bolsón to Esquel, I was looking to freshen up my trip a bit. I had already spent more than two months in the summer in the same…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 5 months agoDaily Blog - Cooking for one person on a solo trip: not my favourite thing to do, but I had to get used to it. / Cocinar para una sola persona durante el viaje en solitario: no es lo que más me gusta pero tuve que acostumbrarme. 😃❤️During all this time of travel I was trying to improve my attitude towards an activity that I don't like so much: cooking for myself. It's not that I don't like cooking at all…lauramica in #hive-161447 • 6 months agoHive Argentina - Doing the right thing on a rainy day in this country: can you guess what it is? / Haciendo lo que se debe hacer en un día lluvioso en este país: ¿adivinas de qué se trata? 😁❤️Since I've been traveling alone I realized that there were many things I didn't know how to do because there was always someone else in my family doing them. This led me to have…lauramica in #hive-163772 • 7 months agoArgentina - In Bariloche you can't miss the Patagonia Brewery, a place to drink with the best scenery. / En Bariloche no podés perderte la Cervecería Patagonia, una para beber con el mejor paisaje. 😃❤️One of the obligatory stops during our stay in Bariloche was undoubtedly the Cervecería Patagonia. My travel group in the motorhome was a very fun one and we liked (quite a lot)…lauramica in #hive-196233 • 7 months agoRant, Complain, Talk - Storytime of how a small butcher knife made me get a new jacket. / Storytime de cómo una pequeña cuchilla de carnicero me hizo obtener una nueva campera. 😅❤️One thing I hardly ever think about during my travels is the possibility of something going wrong. In my mind there is no room for bad scenarios, and that makes me go through…lauramica in #hive-178265 • 7 months agoDaily Blog - Starting the new travel adventure: preparing the backpack with no exact return date (again). / Empezando la nueva aventura de viaje: preparar la mochila sin fecha exacta de regreso (otra vez). 😃❤️These last few days, when I had enough free time to think about all that I am going through, I was quite amazed. And it's not as if I don't know what I'm doing, but sometimes I…lauramica in #hive-100067 • 9 months agoHive Food - About mountain food: knowing how to choose the best for your health and for your back. / Sobre la comida de la montaña: saber elegir adecuadamente lo mejor para tu salud y para tu espalda. 😅❤️One of the most important issues to consider when organizing a long walk is what food to bring for the day. When this walk includes walking for several kilometers, it is…