As I mentioned in my last post I ordered a smoky black tea variety called, Bohea Tea to try from a company that specializes in Colonial American memorabilia.

The second I broke the seal and opened the tea tin I noticed a very familiar fragrance that evoked a million good memories. The calming scent of woodsmoke, of a campfire radiating warmth and light on a chilly autumn night. Also, Russian Caravan tea.
When we had our tea shop we carried a strong and smoky variety of black tea called Russian Caravan and that is the exact same thing as Bohea tea. One of the fringe benefits of running a tea business was tasting the product and we did this a lot with the Russian Caravan tea (as I will with this Bohea variety). With a splash of cream and a dollop of honey It was definitely a calming and satisfying cuppa for a cold winter’s night.

The tea was delicious paired with this homemade chicken, spinach, shiitake mushroom and garlic cauliflower crust pizza that I threw together for lunch. Albeit a little gimmicky, I applaud this company for making the connection between this smoky tea variety and the American Revolution and marketing it as such. The upcharge was more than worth the history lesson.
Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

Lately, I've been running across these profound quotes at the most perfect of times. The meme above is a fine example of this, hence the title of the post.
There's nothing like an election year to reveal who amongst you are trapped in their own ideological maze even when it no longer serves them. Social media is awash with people unwilling to admit mistakes and bad decisions. Rather, they exhaust themselves defending these bad decisions until the very end instead of being willing to -- learn, unlearn, and relearn.
I feel like this is one of the main problems with not only America but the entire world right now. We desperately need to learn our lessons, have the strength to admit our mistakes, and then move towards effective solutions. Yes, it sounds easy but obviously it's not.
Humanity is going to have to develop this mental and ideological fluidity quickly unless we wish to exist in a dystopian future akin to the ones Hollywood has so generously flooded us with for the past few decades.
Sometimes fiction serves as nothing more than cautionary tale, a crystal ball that we can peer into to see one possible future outcome. The key word there is "possible".
As someone who is approaching the Autumn season of life I wish so much more for future generations. For what it's worth, I intend on using my remaining years to get as many of my thoughts and ideas out there as I can. I've always known on some level these words will be my legacy.
I'm still fairly optimistic that, as chronically dysfunctional as we are, we will be able to turn things around. Possibility, hope, and optimism are very powerful things. We must only be willing to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Now for a nice cup of tea.
it is our soul's
natural state
but in this life
we must move
somewhere beyond
the tyranny of now.
chasing this
endless summer
is bliss. In it we will find the
space to think and
change the arc
of our narrative.
this world through
the eyes of a million people
and a few gurus
who unsuspectingly
drip wisdom from
their very lives, in every
cell of their being.
down little alleyways
and twisted streets,
enraptured in a sort of
childish awe of people,
places, and things
in which I've never
heard the name.
still have some miles to travel,
these eyes, so many
sunsets to savor,
tastes of foreign flavors
to satisfy this yearning, so deep.
keeping our memories
from dust and all
these ghosts
of pain and of time
and build a life, sublime,
I dream.
Enjoy the day. Thank you for reading!
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