Not the crust

in Galenkp's Stufflast year (edited)

fuck off snoop.jpg

Eating out can be a challenge for me these days but one I need to face as I travel a lot for work and am often eating meals away from home; it's not that there's a lack of choice, just that those choices often aren't suitable for various reasons which adds complexity. Because I eat a low-carbohydrate (and low-sugar) diet the options are limited especially in airports, in unfamiliar places and when under time constraints...and so much of the food available at cafes is loaded with carbohydrates, fat and salt!

Recently I had a situation in which the need to eat wasn't a luxury it was a necessity; there's implications for not eating correctly (the actual food and the timing of it) due to a health issue and the net result of not doing so will mean a paramedic being required and probably a hospital stay...or death if I'm totally honest. With that in mind I had no choice but to find the closest place and make whatever was there work as best I could. I ordered the quiche in the image and a coffee.

It was warmed up and smelled pretty good...and I ate it all up...ok, not really, I only ate the inside bits leaving the crust and base due to their carbohydrate content. It sucked, but that's the reality of the situation, it was the best thing on offer, they didn't even have a salad on the menu! Wankers.

If I had a choice of diet I'd eat a low carbohydrate and low sugar diet; the operative word there being choice. If it was a choice I could sometimes choose not to eat that way. As it stands, eating low carb and sugar is a necessity. Sure, I can administer an injection and basically eat what I like but there's implications to that as well so I combine that treatment with a low carbohydrate and sugar diet. Fortunately I'm disciplined and am ok with doing the right thing despite it being difficult and inconvenient at times.

Do you maintain a strict, or particular, diet for health reasons or simply because you choose to do so? Do you have cheat days, trouble sticking to your dietary-constraints or are you able to strictly maintain your diet habits like me? If you'd like to comment below about it please do.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Any images in this post are my own.


I'm pretty sure most "eating out" food is designed to make people feel good and want to come back for more, very little consideration given to health XD

I feel like I'd probably just die if I had restrictions based on a health issue, too much ODD x_x

Lol, dying is an option. There's stuff I really miss to be honest but I'm pretty strict on it; when I can't hold out any longer I get into it but I'm small portions and make sure I medicate appropriately. Sucks though, to have to think about it every minute of my day, but it is what it is...until I eventually croak.

I think I have mentioned before that I eat a lot differently than I did back before I was with my wife. She doesn't eat red meat, so I have cut that out of my diet about 80%. I also eat a lot more chicken now and green vegetables. I have a sweet tooth and I gravitate towards them when I am stressed, so that is never a good combination. I do try to keep track of how many calories I invest per day, but I don't do anything official.

Balance is suitable for most people I guess in respect of what and how much food and also what and how much exercise; with me, the health condition means a different level of care to all of that and fortunately I invest in that area...dying doesn't seem all that attractive, at least for the moment, so it seems like a valid investment.

I can't argue with you there!

No salad?! That's outrageous. IT sucks tho as most food out there in your average cafe is indeed loaded with bad stuff.

Sometimes the Vegan'y gluten free places are a bit better at not having all the carbs and shecht but nowhere will be perfect

It can be really difficult sometimes and with places more focused on reducing costs the quality of the food declines which means more cheap ingredients, fillers and loads of bread. Sucks, but I get by. When I die of starvation then I'll have a problem. 🤣

Bread is the killer defo. They pump loads of shit into it the cheaper they make it. I read about the method that mass produced bread goes through and it's horrible. Grr, Damn their eyes and their relentless lust for profit!

Yeah, who gives a fuck about people's health right? As long as the bread is cheap. Powdered chicken feathers man, that's what they use to make it light and fluffy. Fucken human beings huh?

You honestly wonder what the fuck goes on in the people's heads who think up these additions !?

Yeah, some fucker who loves money I guess. Assholes.

Ugh ! Diets are the worst subject ever !

Out of everything that has happened, been done, needed to be done in my life, I've been good at figuring it all out, except.... eating ! If there truly is such a thing as being a sugar addict, I could be the poster child for it, because I have craved from day one I can remember. SO many times I have decided and thought I was now old enough... strong enough, mature enough to change and a time or two I did real well for a good amount of time, but eventually, just like a rubber band snapping back into the old ways, I fall.....and fail.

I'm sure I'm going to pay a very high cost for it and that knowledge alone should make anyone strong enough.....

I would have to be rich enough to hire a cook and a guard for the kitchen door. 😂

Eating healthy takes work, at least to get into the swing of it and create the right habits; it takes up a lot of my time. Well, not a lot, but it's something I have to constantly work at to get it right, have the right things around and all. Once into the rhythm of it though it gets easier.

Eating a very healthy diet is actually quite costly, at least here it is, but the benefits outweigh the costs.

Good luck with your diet and if they ever come knocking to take photos of you for the sugar diet poster make sure you comb your hair!

Crazily... even though I don't do well with it, it still takes up a lot of mental time. I sometimes get tired of having to think about it. That sounds like something an idiot would say. LOL.... but it's true.

I get it. You know, the average type-1 diabetic makes 180 more decisions per day than a non-diabetic; I can vouch for that.

I can't say I really have a regimented diet. The one thing I have noticed is I've mostly stopped eating breakfast in the morning and instead opt for a protein shake mixed with some coffee and milk. If I'm going to eat actual breakfast, I typically do it for lunch or dinner, but only if it's a more unique dish that makes it special.

I was doing smoothies for breakfast a lot and think it's a good way to go if the right ingredients are added...Ice cream and chocolate sauce might not be the best things for breakfast. I can't skip breakfast (or any meal though), that wouldn't end well for me.

Smoothies are a nice way to go. I would throw spinach in them since it doesn't really impact the flavor but gives you some extra fiber and nutrients. Yeah, I never skip meals, but some portions are quite a bit smaller than others.

Hi Galen, I believe the best medicine is good nutrition, so I listen to what my body is telling me.. I don't think I have any health problems (I haven't visited a doctor for two decades and I feel fine, I don't have any medical check-up either...) I just listen to my body that is telling me what feels good or bad. Until a few years ago I used to eat a lot of red meat, until it started to feel bad, now I eat less animal proteins. As you can see it is not a diet, but the passage of time is imposing me some restrictions. Best regards

Hopefully you continue free from any ailments and as for not going to the doctor, it's not a bad thing as most of the doctors these days are more about generating revenue through the writing of prescriptions than making people healthy.

Thanks for the good wishes, it's not that I don't have ailments, I have a particular concept of illness. Not every ailment is a disease, when something I feel is happening to me first I give the body a chance to heal. If this does not happen, then I go for help. In the case of my mental health, during my father's bereavement I asked for professional help, I have no problem asking for help. I have problems with what modern medicine understands to be a disease (everything is a disease and everything is cured with drugs). What you say about current medicine I share one hundred percent.

I do maintain a strict diet more often than not as a preventive measure because of family history not that I already have a condition requiring that. As a result I do have some off days to satisfy cravings or to experience new recipes.

It's best to work towards better health when one is relatively healthy rather than waiting until one is sick. Good work.

The other day, I remembered a post like this. I was at a restaurant, and their menu claimed they were an inclusive restaurant. I found it amusing because, just like in this example, they didn't even have a salad option.

During my lunch, I observed a student like myself taking a salad plate, and the restaurant manager reprimanded him. The student responded by saying that they were so inclusive that no meal was suitable for people with diabetes. Therefore, he had to bring his own food from home, and at the restaurant, he only sat on the terrace to accompany his friends. It made me think about how many people boast about being inclusive, yet there's no menu catering to individuals with specific dietary needs, such as those with celiac disease.

It's something businesses should consider—a thoughtful detail for customers and a distinctive service. However, I imagine it might not be profitable for them

As for your questions, I imagine you know the answer; it's impossible (to all of your questions 😅)

This sort of thing happens here also. Most places will have a decent salad option although the dressing is often full of sugar, but some do not.

I try to take my lunch from home so I know exactly what I'm eating but it's not always possible so I have to rely on restaurants and cafes. Sometimes I'll just drop into a supermarket and pick up some things as well, it all depends on time, location and availability.

I love the food you make at home, even though I only see pictures of it 😅

I miss one of these post

I like making stuff at home, the problem is I'm away a lot and when I am home I don't often have the time to do photos. Maybe I'll do some burgers this weekend and do a post on it.

Everything is great as long as it is a question of your choice, whether to stick to the diet or not.
When it comes to the stage where your health is at risk and a diet is mandatory, that's a fucked up thing...

A few years ago, I had a medical examination, when the blood results showed same what was visible to the eye. Excess body weight coincided with the results of triglycerides, cholesterol and liver enzymes....
But with a diet that lasted for 6 months, I returned my weight to normal, and thus the laboratory results.
Now I'm back on some mild form of dieting, mostly trying to eat smaller amounts of food, but Q1 ruins me every year.
A lot of birthdays, holidays and celebrations, when we have big feasts, extra kg stick on me. I'm not one of those people who think: "Why should I starve for several months in order to be handsome on vacation, it's easier for me not to go on a diet and feel ashamed for those 10 days" 😀

In view of the fact that I am now leaving the season of holidays and increased meals, that spring is coming, with plenty of salads and vegetables, I am switching to a light regime, which will help me lose extra kg.

People tend to eat themselves into health troubles at times, easily done as it's enjoyable to eat tasty foods, but some caution is required as health issues don't often provide a warning, they just happen. It makes sense to put some thought and effort into doing what's right.

Moderation and prevention. Two key words.

Yep, difficult to adhere to sometimes I guess, but it's important.

Yes I do maintain a strict diet, not because I have any health issues but because I'm taking precautions against having one.
My Mom had her leg amputated due to diabetic complications years ago and seeing her pain and struggles, I just didn't want to end up like that. So basically, I eat low carb foods though I cheat once in awhile, I do it very consciously.

It seems like you're on the right track, keep it up and you're unlikely to experience the ill-effects of poor health.

I had to find out what a quiche is to know what you had eaten. Although it sounds very tasty to me, the truth is that I would have skipped that base as well.

And not because I'm on a diet, but because I also avoid carbs and sugar.

I don't suffer from any health problems so far (knock on wood), but I avoid a lot of things so I don't suffer from anything.

I'm sorry you have something wrong with your health, but a good diet I think cures most illnesses.

As they say, food can be your medicine or your poison.

A good diet helps manage many illnesses, but it's not much of a cure I thing, more of a preventative. Eating a lot of carbs and sugars isn't going to end well for most people so some care needs to be given and discipline also. Good on you for taking the right steps to support your well-being through diet.

With a lot of health issues that are the consequences of not eating right, it becomes expedient that one should take precautions.
Eating out is sometimes unavoidable but as much as is possible, I try not to because all they have in their menu is junk.

Healthy eating (and exercise) should be on everyone's agenda.

We are trying to return to a more whole foods diet. I feel your pain while travelling, it can be tough finding the right foods at reasonable prices.

Whole foods, that's a good idea.

I grow my own produce and am careful where I shop and what I buy...processes food really is terribly for the health despite its popularity.

It seems you're on the right track.

Thank you!! Yes I feel like we are absolutely getting back on track! I used to be so consistent with our diet. Lol it's a cha cha sometimes, two steps fwd one step back.

Since I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes a few years back, I have greatly reduced my sugar intake. I don't drink sweet drinks, mostly just water, and I rarely eat sweets of any kind. My biggest source of sugar is rice, and that's the sacrifice/setup I opted with. I think I have been maintaining my sugar well, and it has worked out so far.

Rice is not nice...for one in your situation. Hopefully it works out for you.

Yeah, but I think it is better than eating sweets and desserts. I also lowered the portions of rice I eat.

Well, sweets and deserts are a whole other issue. Sugar is used in so many products now, and often to counteract the salt content...both are equally bad for the health.

Yeah, that's why we gotta pick our poison. I just chose rice haha.

I agree. I love rice, but it's so rare that I'll have any, usually basmati when it happens, lower GI.

I only at the inside bits

I think you typed too fast here and missed the e.

That's surprising though that there were no healthy choices at the airport? Seems like a good business opportunity to offer healthy food at those places since there's little to no competition and you can sell at a higher price cause all airport food mark up prices like crazy.

As for me, I don't think I have a strict diet but I will try to balance out making sure I get some vegetables and fruits. When I was younger, I was kind of forced by my Mom to eat them but I guess now I understand how important it is to have a balanced diet. Not just meat and junk food which I love more but they aren't too healthy for me.

Airports rarely have healthy food,and the place I reference above wasn't at an airport anyway. Either way, what a person eats will have implications for them one way or another; it makes sense to me to focus on eating well but some choose to ignore it and hold to the won't happen to me ethos. Often though, it does happen to them.

True true it definitely does have implications. Yes some people want to enjoy or some just don't have any worries at all about their health I guess which later does have an impact on them. I think it's slightly ok to be slightly less health conscious for those that are still young as long as they aren't going too crazy? Like even outside of food I know a friend that drinks a lot because of his work. He's quitting soon though which is good because his health was getting bad. On a side note, I tried stingray last night. It was interesting.

I've not eaten stingray, what was it like?

It's soft and has an interesting taste lol not sure how to describe it. Kind of fish but not a fish. maybe between crab and fish that kind not sure. You'll have to try it. I'm sure Australia has some?

I'm not sure if we have it here, never seen it. It sounds a bit like crocodile, the way you explain it. We have plenty of them here and I've tried it a few times. I like it actually.

I've never ate crocodile before. I don't think I'm that adventurous even though I do like trying new food. It seems more towards the exotic side or is that a normal thing to eat for people in Australia?

It's fairly common here, especially in the tropical north. Of course, it's not as common as beef or chicken but it's readily available.

I don't have any health problems, but I like to take care of my meals, especially eating healthy and varied, homemade food and not too much flour. Sugar hardly at all and not much salt either. I prefer to be as healthy as possible by choice, because I like it that way. And I don't suffer because I like what I eat, fruits, vegetables, meats.

Discipline is always the key, it is what guides us well.

One question, if you inject yourself with the stuff you mention, what side effect could it have on you?

It's good to have self-discipline in all aspects of life and certainly when it comes to one's health.

I'm respect of my injections, they happen every time I eat (before I eat) and it will continue until the day I die. That's just how it is. Side effects? Well, I get to stay alive.

I understand, it is necessary and you must do it, there is no alternative. Let's move on and stay alive!

I think staying alive is preferable to the alternative, at least for now anyway.

You'll be fine, I have no doubt .... when the other thing happens... that's a long way off!

No, I'll die eventually and so will you, it's part of life.

But it won't be soon.... I know, I'll be gone and I'm not afraid, I know some things about those...

I'm coming back to haunt some fuckers. Seems like the right thing to do.

I eat a lot. Without any restrictions, the only condition is that the food must be clean and tasty. I don't know about diet plans and how they work. Just fill your belly when you feel an appetite.

Seems like a good strategy.

Hmm I am fortunate not to have any major health issues, but I do reflect on my diet once in a while. Sometimes I try to remind myself to cut down on desserts, sometimes it's to eat more vegetables/fruits.. Currently, I am trying to cut down my frequency of fast food meals.

Sometimes I can't help it but indulge in sinful stuff, either due to cravings, or maybe it's just a group outing and the venue isn't decided by me. As long as everything is in moderation, I am not too hard on myself.

When there's no health issues all seems well and I guess people's eating/exercise habits are more relaxed. The problem arises when those relaxed eating/exercise habits lead to health issues and it's too late to reverse them I guess.

Eating out is sometimes a lot of work for me because what I get isn't how I expected it to be, which can be...unsatisfactory.

there's implications for not eating correctly.

I am facing this right now. I finally travelled yesterday and didn't eat because... First, I booked an early ticket for the train online and secondly, I don't really like eating before travelling. However, because of this, I am facing the complication for not eating correctly because I only bought a snack to eat.

I feel terrible. My stomach hurts, and my breathing is unexplainable 🥲. I am resting now and will get my stomach drug if what I feel persists.

You don't like eating before travelling? Why not?

Yes, I do have stomach upset, and it can be exhausting.

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It is the Apocalypse. We are living in caves with our Supergirls. How would the living in the wild eating what we kill and collecting edibles from nature. How would this diet effect your health. Could you survive this scenario?


Yeah, for sure...if the right foods were available, protein for instance. If all I had to eat was potatoes I'd not go so well, but the decline into the abyss and final death would take some time. It's low sugar in the blood that causes an immediate problem. Eating foods low in carbs and sugar is the best diet I could possible have. Don't worry mate, I'm hard to kill.

We do have strong will and logic. We would overcome most anything.

I took a half hour break to lay in my hammock beside the campfire at dusk this Sunday evening. Tiki torches surrounding my campsite. It was a nice decompress before leaving out in the AM for another North Carolina turnaround.

Sounds bloody perfect! (The hammock and campfire.)